"No, thank you" I folded my arms.

"Peaches, don't be like this" he pouted.

"She don't want anything from you Kai, just let her be" Bonnie muttered.

"I can bring Caroline's humanity back" he said.

"You can?" I looked at him.

"Peach" Bonnie mumbled.

"If you say you have forgiven me, I would bring her humanity back. I promise" he looked at me.

"How are you planning to do that?" I asked.

"Because before the sheriff died she wrote a letter for Caroline & mailed it to her, I saw it when I sucked the magic out of her blood & I can show caroline exactly what her mom wrote or I can give her the letter by myself. It's safe & sound with me" he smirked "so, what do you say?"

"If we bring her back guilt would consume her" Bonnie said "and I don't think we should bring her back after all the crazy things she have done, she has not only hurt us all but killed a bunch of people FYI & she's going to feel every bit of it".

"But we cant leave her like that, we owe it to her. She went nuts only because her mom died & I know what she did to us & to everyone around us & it's kind of unforgivable but we all have done our share of mistakes" I told her.

"I know peach but I just don't know if I can forgive her or not" she looked at me.

"I know bon but at least we have to bring her back because if we don't, no one else can" I said.

"Yeah, you're right but don't ever tell me to forgive her because she doesn't deserve mine nor your's...always remember that" she was irritated.

"So Kai, do this one job & I'll forgive you" I looked at him as he smirked "friends?" As I shook his hand "friends".

"So, which one of you would help me in this task?" He looked at me & Bonnie.

"Bonnie will, I'm leaving campus. I just came here to fill up some paperwork's for my online sessions" I said as I stood up.

"What? Why me?" Bonnie stood up.

"Because bon, I can't face her & she won't be able to face me. If I'm the first face she see after her humanity gets back on, she might even try to kill her self you get what I'm saying? Guilt will over power her" I reminded her.

"I hate this peach, I really do" she looked at me.

"I know I'm asking a lot from you, but please" I pleaded "for me?"

"Okay, but as soon as it's done I'm going right back out I'm not going to help her or forgive her" she told me "thanks bon" I smiled at her as I pulled her into a hug "thank you for everything".

"You know I'd do anything for you" she hugged me back tightly.

"No, hugs for me?" Kai looked at us.

"We got work to do, don't we?" Bonnie called as she walked out of the cafe.

"Let's hang out soon" Kai winked at me as he left with Bonnie.

Dusk till dawn (vampire diaries fan fiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now