Chapter 45

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Happy New Years Everyone!!!! I'm sorry if I took too long to update, I have just been so busy. Plus, I was out of town for a family reunion and parties for christmas and new years. It's been crazy lol. Anyway here is the update

Chapter 45

Beth's P.O.V

  I was standing outside of Emily's room like Ian asked me to do. I really want to go in there and just scoop my baby into my arm. I miss her so much. I can't believe I left her and Ian.

Hearing Emily's voice speaking to Ian breaks my heart because she was saying how she misses me and how she had a terrible nightmare.

I laughed when Emily refuses to meet a girl in her daddy's life now. She doesn't and won't like them if they weren't me. So adorable, surprising that a statement like that is coming from 6 years old (A/N I don't know if I mentioned Emily's age, but she is 6 because she is in kindergarten), but adorable that she said that.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I slowly turned the knob of her door and turned it slowly, trying to not make any noise, but as I was half way there, a familiar voice spoke behind me, actually let me rephrase that, they gasped behind me.

"Beth you're alive?" I turned to see Chloe, Ariana, Jessie, and Megan in shock with their fingers on their mouth. I laughed in the inside because of their reactions.

"Um, hi guys, what's up?" I waved awkwardly at them, still stuck in my stance.

"What's up? Is that all you can say to your BFFS?  You have been long dead for weeks now, and you come back saying what's up?" Jessie encounter with her face fuming red.

"I was going to go find you guys and surprise you, but it's too late?" I questioned with a sheepishly smile.

"No really?" Ariana sarcastically said.

"Come on, let's go to my room and talk what the hell you have been up to and...." Chloe looks me up and down before saying, "where the hell did you buy that outfit? It looks so hot on you." She giggles.

So, the girls dragged me to Chloe room and sat me down on her bed.

"So what have you been up to? I mean how are you alive?" That's Jessie for you, getting straight to the point without wasting anytime.

I sighed and answered, "I don't know why I'm alive, I mean I'm thankful that I am, but I'm just as confuse as you guys are. I have no clue. But when I woke up, I found this," I took out the necklace that is still around my neck and showed it to them."I don't know where it came from, I just found it on my neck when I woke up." The girls looked at it one by one and having admiration in their eyes.

"Did you ask Ian?" Question Ariana.

I nodded. "But he didn't know either because he said he never seen this necklace before."

"Same here, I haven't either." The girls agreed with Chloe's statement.

"Yes so anyways, Ian took me back here after we found each other because Emily was screaming so loud." I give a weak smile.

"Well, when Emily sees you, I don't think she wants to have an image of her mom dressing like a slutty girl that's only for mom and dad in the bedroom." Jessie winked.

We laughed.

"Come on, I have something for you to wear that's more you." Ariana grabs my arm and pulls me probably towards her room.

The girls began to search her closet to find something more appropriate to wear in front of Emily.

"Ah ha, I found it." Ariana yelled from somewhere in her closet.

"I found the boots." Jessie holds up a really nice pair of boots.

"And I found the make up kit." Chloe comes back and pushes me on the rolling chair.

"Let's began." They squeal and began doing whatever it is they are doing with me. I trust them so I'm not worried.

Half an hour later, they said that they were done and push me towards the mirror.

I look so nice and me again.

"Thanks guys!" I ran and hugged them.

"We are going to hang out soon just us girls and little Emily." Chloe says and left no room to argue with her.

I just nodded and smiled.

"Let's go into the living room and wait kay?" Jessie drags us out and walked downstairs towards the living room.

What is us with people pushing and dragging me today?!

My thoughts were cut off when I heard Ian and Emily exiting her room. I can hear their conversation and I know the girls heard it too because of werewolves absolutely good hearing.hearing . We giggle a little.

Kay, this is it, I'm going to meet Emily. I have no idea why I'm so nervous! Come on keep yourself together Beth.

Here goes nothing.......

(Pic of Beth's outfit is on the side)

Q: So what do you guys think? Is this a good chapter? What will happen with Beth when Emily and her encounter each other? Are you guys excited for this or what?

Please comment and vote and don't forget to add this book if you haven't yet. Thank you to all my supporters out there that have been patient with me throughout the past month with my book. I love you guys so much and HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

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