Chapter 39

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Hey guys!!! Sorry for the late update! But thus chapter will be sad and will make you cry, maybe.

Chapter 39

  I got a phone call around 2 a.m from Alex telling to come to the hospital as fast as I can.

So that's where I am heading right now. Emily was wide awake in the backseat. She wanted to come with me to see mommy. But from what Alex told me, Beth was in surgery.

"Daddy, what happen to mommy?" Emily ask in her small voice.

"Nothing, Princess. Mommy is just putting bandages on her booboo." I half lied. I just don't want to upset her.

"Oh." She says. Then she just stayed quiet throughout the entire ride.

***At The Hospital***

"Princess, why don't you play in the play area? I'm just going to talk to grandma and grandpa." I kiss her forehead and headed off.

"Ian." My mom cried and came running to hug me.

I hugged her back, but not to long because she let go and lead me to the rest of the group in the waiting area.

"What happen?" I asked.

"Beth was ok one moment then out of the nowhere she has a seizure and heart beat monitor just stopped beeping." Tiffany explained. She was crying on her dad's shoulders.

"I want to see her." I started to walk towards the E.R but was stopped by the doctors appearance.

"Alpha." he bows his head for respect.

"Speak." I commanded.

"I'm sorry to say that her organs stopped functioning and her heart. We tried everything to save the Luna. But she didn't make it." He whispered the last part.

"What do you mean she didn't make it? You probably checked ob the wrong person? Double check!"I yelled in my alpha voice.

"Alpha, we are sure she is the one. She is the only person here on this floor like you requested." He says.

"There's got to be a mistake!" I was fuming now.

"I'm sorry sir. But if you want to go see her then I will have a nurse take you." He suggested.

"Take me to her now!" I yelled.

"Son calm down!" My dad shouts.

"No, I can't calm down. My mate is fuckin dead!" I turned around to come face to face with Emily.

She was crying.

"Daddy." She chokes out.

"I'm sorry princess." I bend down to her level and hugged her to me.

"Mommy is gone?" she sobs.

"Yes." I croaked.

She cried harder and tighten her arms around me.

"Lets go see mommy."  I picked her up and followed the nurse the suddenly appeared by my side.

"Only two people can go in." The nurse said.

"You go ahead, son. We will wait." Beth's mom sniffs.

So Emily and I followed the nurse, until we were in front of the Beth was in.

She opened the door and lets us in. She takes the white blanket off of Beth's deadly body.

I cried when I saw how pale she looks and for the mistakes I have made.

"Ill leave you guys be." The nurse left and it was me and Emily.

"I lost mommy again." Emily held her moms hand.

I just cried and cried and cried. This hurts. I don't have a mate anymore. I don't have a reason to live on.

"I'm going to miss her." Emily says.

"I am too,Princess." I hugged her.

"Beth, I hope you forgive me for my failures and mistakes I have ever made to you. I'm sorry for failing you as a mate. I'm sorry for not protecting you from the bad. I'm sorry I haven't said I love you quite often. I'm just sorry! Please come back to me!" I let all my tears come out. " Please give me a chance!"

***10mins later***

"Let's go, Princess. Grandma and grandpa wants to see Beth too." I carried her and was about to walk out when she started wwiggling out of my arms.

"Daddy wait. I need to give something to mommy." She says.

I put her down and she ran towards Beth.

She pulled something out of her shirt and revealed a beautiful diamond neckalce that was around Emily's neck. She puts it around Beth's neck, then kisses her cheek.

"I love you mommy. So much." She whispers.

I walked back to Beth and lean down to give her a kiss on the lips.

"I love you, Beth. Always and forever." I sigh and picked up Emily again and walked out.

I walked out from the love of my life!


Q: What do you guys think? What's going to happen now? Predictions?

Don't stop reading this book because of this bad chapter, you might regret it if you stop. Anyways please comment your answers and opinions and vote!!! I love you guys!! Ill see you guys next time.

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