Chapter 35

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Happy fourth of July everyone!! First off I want to give a big shout out to my Aphrodite270 because she took her own time to make me a brand new book cover. So I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRL, I LOVE YOU FOR YOUR EFFORT!  If anyone wants to make a cover, I could use a new one for my other book IT DOESNT HURT TO FALL IN LOVE . Shout out next chapter and will be added to my dedications page at the end of my story. That's only if you guys l want to, no pressure. Update for yyou guys.

Chapter 35

I tapped my foot impatiently on the hardwood floor. I am currently standing by the front door, where Ian said he will meet me, but is he? No. I have been waiting for him for 15 minutes now and still no show.

Oh and the spider that Spencer was whining about wasn't even a big one, it was a baby spider. I just took one of his flip flops and threw it and it died. Spencer is in the backyard now burning the fflip flops. Yeah I know, dramatic Guy.

Anyway after waiting for about five more minutes, Ian finally comes running down the stairs.

"Took you years to come down." I glared at him.

"Sorry, but I went to say buy to Emily and the girls told me about the get together tonight." He says.

He grabs his keys from one of the hooks and wallet, then lead me to the garage.

"Ian." I called him.

"Yeah?" He stops and turn so he can see me.

"I don't know why, but for some reason I want to bring Emily with us. I just have this feeling that I can't really explain,but I just want to if she is safe right now and in order for to me to know and not worry is if she was with us." I explain to him. I have been having this uneasy feeling about something bad was about to happen. I have no idea why or how, but I feel it and it is not making feeling me safe at all.

Ian looks at me for awhile,before sighing and nodding his head.

"You should of told me these feelings you're having. I don't want to see you scared or feeling uneasy." He caress my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm sorry." I close my eyes and focus on his soft thumb on my face. It let's me know that I'm safe around him.

'That's because he is our mate, dumbass.' Natalie finally spoken.

'You're ruining my moment Nat.' I groan.

'Sorry, but you state the obvious all the time.' Natalie sass.

'Please go away.' I beg. She cut off our mindlinks and went to do whatever she does.

"Go wait in the car and Ill go get her." He kisses my forehead and walks off.

I make my way down to Ian's black mercedes. He has a new brand new Lamborghini, but we can't use it now since Emily will be with us. He has been using his wealth on cars, Emily, and I. I love him to death, but I just wish he wouldn't spend money on things we don't need.

Moments later Emily and Ian comes through the door. Emily looks bouncy and Ian just smiles at her. God I love them both.

"Hi mommy." Emily greets me as Ian helps her into her booster.

"Hi Baby Girl." I smile at her.

"Dad said we were going to the mall today." She kicks her feet back and forth.

"We are because mommy needs to buy clothes for daddy, myself and you." I poke her cute little nose.

"I thought I was staying with aunt Chloe?" She wondered.

"I want you to be with us. Spend time as a family." Ok that wasn't a lie, but I wasn't planning on scarying my daughter.

"You don't want to hang out with us, Princess?" Ian joked as he reversed out of the garage.

"I do, daddy." Emily's giggle fill the car.

"Then off to the mall." Ian speds ooff, but not to fast because Emily was with us.

★★★@ The Mall★★★

"I want that one daddy." Emily points to a pink shirt that has a crown with glitters.

"Alright here go try it on." Ian hands it to her and she goes to the dressing room next to her.

Ian and I are currently on Macy's shopping for Emily's wardrobe. We are already done with our clothes shopping, now its Emily's turn.

"My princess can shop." Ian comes over to me and wraps his right arm around my waist.

"Looks like I wont be the only one blowing up you credit card." I joked.

"That's fine. As long as you both are happy and safe." He kissed my head.

"Well well well, who do have here?" A voice came from the behind us. We snapped our heads to the owner of voice, only to find Kayla. The slurry girl that believes Ian and her had a thing.

"Kayla." Ian greeted. There was anger in his voice.

"Glad to see you back from Canada. Haven't seen you in school for quite awhile now." She twirls a piece of her hair on her index finger.

"We go back Monday." Ian answered in hard voice.

When Ian said we Kayla's gaze moved off of Ian and moved towards me.

"I see you're still with this thing." She looks me up and down.

I was going to answer when all of a sudden the lights went out and people screaming.

"Ian, where is Emily?!" I panicked.

"In the dressing room, Ill go get her." He says. "Stay here, Beth. I mean it." He warned.

"Just bring our daughter back Ian." I had tears running down my face.

"I will, I promise." He kisses me then runs off.

The next thing I know, I was hit with something and everything became blurry and I was knocked out.


Q: What do you think of this chapter? Anyone still reading? Any predictions?Suggestions? Compliments?

Please comment your opinions or anything. Thank you for all my readers out there!! I love you guys

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