Chapter 37

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Hey!!! Happy Friday:)

Chapter 37

Ian's P.O.V

Watching her just laying there plugged into a bunch of wires, makes me feel a failure. I wasn't there for her! I'm such a horrible mate. A horrible boyfriend/Fiancée! How could I just let this happen?

I guess I have been caught up on just watching Beth breathe in and out, that I didn't even realize Beth's family coming in with my princess Emily.

"Daddy." Emily sobs. She let go of Beth's mother's hand and walk towards me on the chair besides Beth's bed.

"Hi Princess." I kiss her forehead.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mommy?She's been sleeping and has a booboo." She points at Beth's still body.

"She woke up just before you came in here, Princess. She said she was tired." I lied to her. I don't want her ever think or feel that she is loosing another mom. I don't want to see her upset or lonely. Beth is going to wake up.

"Oh. What about her booboo on her tummy." She pointed at the wrapped cloth around Beth's body.

"Oh don't worry. That's just to support mommy's body." I partially lied. I mean that is to actually support her wounds, but I said her bbody instead.

"Okay." She nuzzles her head into my neck.

"I love you, Princess." I kiss her head and ppulled her cclose to me.

"I love you too, daddy." She pulled back and kiss my cheeks.

I smile at her.

"Emibear, why don't you go with Aunt Tiffany to get some food?" Alex suggested.

"Can I daddy?" She looks up and gives me the puppy face.

"Of course." I kiss her cheek and then she jumped off of me and ran towards Tif.

When they both left, Beth's parents started to speak.

"I can't this happened to my baby girl." Her dad cried.

"David, I don't want to loose her." Lexi (A/N: If iI already mentioned the name.of Beth's mom on the previous chapters its not that anymore its Lexi.) gripped her husband so hard and cried.

"Who the hell did this anyway?" Alex angrily asked.

"I don't know. We were just at the mall and all of a sudden the lights went off." I explained. "When I came back from finding Emily, she was laying on the floor with blood everywhere." I felt tears coming down my face.

"Ah! I bet it was those stupid stupid stupid rogues." Alex guessed.

"I don't know yet. I have my beta and third in command searching for answers or evidence right now with some of my warriors." I tell them.

"We need to find out who did this. This is too much." Lexi sobbed.

"Honey, you need some rest. We can come back tomorrow." David suggest to his wife.

She nodded and went to.kiss her daughters pale looking foforehead tthen headed out.

"David, Alex, Lexi, whoever did this to Beth will pay the consequences." I swear to that. No one I mean NO ONE touches the alpha's mate.

They nodded and left. I turn my attention back to Beth and sat back down on my chair.

I took her hands in mine and kissed it.

"I promise you Beth, this action will not be left unattended. I will find whoever did this to you and punish them. Mark my words." I.promised.


Q: Who do you think did iit? What do you think Ian will Any predictions? What do you think about this chapter?

Remember to comment your answers or anything you guys want to add in the comment box:)

Thank you guys so for being so patient with me:) I love yyou guys so much. Hope you guys have an. awesome weekend:)

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