Chapter 21

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Hey lovelies:) So heads up its winter break when Beth and Ian goes to Canada for there vacay. I don't if I mentioned it, I think I did when Beth was moving and went to the new school halfway towards the end of school. now its changed to the ended of December and their winter break. Here is the story.

Chapter 21

"My niece is very creative." Tiffany commented.

Today is Emily's parent conference, but Ian wasn't able to make it because of pack business and the fact that he is showing Mitchie around the pack, so she could be comfortable.

It's the last day of school before we leave for Canada tomorrow early morning and to tell you the truth I'm excited and upset at the same time because I haven't seen Ian since I last spoken to him which was last week. Emily and I have been either living by ourselves in our condo or with my parents house. A month and half since Ian completely ignored us. I'm not selfish or anything, but there are times where I miss him and when Emily wants to be with her daddy.

Back to the present. I called Tiffany to come with me to Emily's school for her parent conference because I don't want to go alone. So she came and now here we are talking to Ms. Winston about Emily. Emily is outside playing at the play structure, while we are talking.

"She is very creative, I couldn't agree more." Ms. Winston gives us a heart warming smile.

"So all she needs over break is to read and try to improve her ABC's?"I asked, looking down at Emily's report card. Which is pretty good actually.

"Yes, but she is very advance on everything else then a kindergarten should be." Ms. Winston said.

I looked up and smiled. "I'm very proud of my daughter."

"Well, I think that'll be all." Ms. Winston sigh and stood up. "Thank you for your tim-" her right hand was up mid air when he heard a scream.

"MOMMY!" I know that voice.

My eyes widen and thought of Emily!

I started running out of the classroom with Tiffany on my tail and the teacher also.

There under the monkey bars was a crying Emily holding her right leg while blood was gushing out.

"Tiffany get the car ready!" I yelled and ran faster, until I was by Emily's side.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" She cried.

Emily knows I'm not used to situations like this when there's alot of blood because I either gag or faint. There was this one time when Emily had a cut on her arm and she was bleeding, I fainted. No joke. So that's why Emily looks for her daddy in situations like this.

I took off my sweatshirt and wrap it around her leg. Being a werewolf she is, she can close that wound in an half an hour. But because she's only six, Im still taking her to the werewolf hospital to see if everything is ok.

"Daddy is going to be here soon, baby girl." I fought bought tears, while I walk her to the car, where Tiffany has left opened for me.

I sat in the back holding her to me as close as possible.

"Werewolf hospital?" Tiffany asked while keeping an eye on the road.

"Yeah." I said.

"Mommy is daddy coming?" Emily whimpers.

"I don't know, baby girl." I sigh and tuck some hair behind her ear.

"You're so brave mommy, you didn't faint this time." Emily touches my cheek.

"You're brave too because you stayed strong until now." I kiss her forehead.


At the hospital..........

"Miss. Mathews, I'm just going to stitch her wounds up. Its not that sever, but her wolf is too weak to heal it up herself." Dr. Adam says.

I nodded.

"Can you wait outside for a while?" He asked.

I didn't want to leave Emily by herself, but I sighed and stood up walking out the door.

I shut the door behind me and once I turned back around, My parents and Ian's parents were here, except for Ian. I sighed again and made my way to a seat.

"Is she going to be ok?" Ian's mom, Claire asked who looks sad.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Honey, why don't you go home and refresh yourself up?" My mom rubs my back.

"Can you take Emily home while I do that?" I asked.

They nodded and I stood up.

"Why don't you call Ian and tell him what is happening to his daughter?" Chris, Ian's dad said.

"Yeah right, that douche is busy setting up meetings for the following days while on break. And always following around his sister." My best friend Chloe, who I just notice that was here said.

I spun back around and had my eyes widen when she said that. I told Ian this already!

"See Beth, he doesn't listen anymore." My brother mumbles.

"Chloe come with me." I stomp my way to the car and heading towards the pack house.

I can't believe that asshole.


Q: What do you think Beth with do to Ian?

Comment your answers please:)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter:) love you guys. Thanks to my readers out there too<3

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