Chapter 53

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Beth's P.O.V

After weeks of coming up with the plan on what to do with Emily's kidnappers and how we should get her back, I came up with the plan that can solve all our problems, but can also be heartbreaking for Ian. I love him so much and I know how much he lives Emily too. This was my mistake to be begin with, I'm going to fight until my very last breath.

I called the guy that was so obsess with marrying me and asked for an extension. Just so I can say goodbye to my family, friends, and my mate. I dont know whether I'm making the right decision or not, but I do know that Emily's kidnapper won't stop until they get me.

"Grandma, Grandpa, I'm going out later on tonight. There's a box of envelops upstairs in mine and Ian's room, can have Ian carry it down in the living room please." I somewhat lied.

Inside those envelops were letters that I wrote for a few weeks now to those people who I truly love and cared for. Finishing those letters also closed my heart forever. I'm leaving behind the people I love to save them because I love them. Shouldn't I feel relief that I found a solution? If so, why do I feel like a broken doll? Why do I feel like this was a mistake? Like a battle is about to happen? I have all these emotions running in my system that I can't even figure out which one to feel. Love, hate, selfish, happy, sad, upset, or angry?

"Sure sweetie, but come home before midnight ok?" My grandpa kisses my forehead and squeezes me into a right hug. "We will find Emily, Bethany. Don't loose hope yet honey." My grandpa assures me. Little did he know, Emily will be coming home tonight.

"I know grandpa, thank you for always being there for me." I sobbed silently in his chest.

"You're welcome honey. I may be old, but I'm not too old for the 21st century." He chuckled.

I was kind of confuse on what he said, but I just laughed it off. Leave it to my grandpa for always making laugh when I'm sad.

"Honey, Beth, lunch is ready you two." My grandma yells for the kitchen. Dang my grandma can tell for her age.

We both just chuckled and headed towards the kitchen. This would be my last meal with my grandparents.


Q: What did you guys this chapter? Is Beth going to follow through her plan? What will her parents think, especially Ian? Will the letters get to those who Beth addressed? What does it say?

Please COMMENT&VOTE!!!! Thank you!!!i love you guys

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