The City is Far from Here

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"So does being King of New Orleans feel like it is a breath away?"

Violet lay on the couch with an Ipad sitting on her chest. She was beyond bored but had just gotten into some puzzle game that kept her busy. Marcel sat on the other one flipping through an old magazine. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet. We still have to wait and see what Klaus's next move is going to be. Besides, you know that I was born ready to win my city back"

"And no kingdom needs to be run just by a king, a queen always need to be at his side to keep him in check"

She smiled then growled as she just lost another level. Marcel laughed and reached for his phone that was in his back pocket. He read the ID, Cami. He raised a finger to silence her as he took the call. Violet sat up a little higher and tried to listen in on the conversation but then she decided not to. Snooping was always a temptation but she liked Cami...Definitely better than Rebekah. A few minutes later he came back into the room.

"Well it was Cami and she said that Klaus was just at the bar. I guess he told her that Elijah is missing and he is out looking for him"

Putting the game on pause, she looked over. "Does that mean he's..."

"Yep, that means he is heading this way. Remember; don't attack unless he attacks first. Keep cool and we will still have Elijah all to ourselves"

Klaus looked at the abandon building that the vampires occupied. It was always different being on the other side of the city so it seemed like it was a fresh start. He could go about his business one of two ways. He could sneak inside and looked for his brother himself but who was he fooling. He doubted his body was there out in the open. The second idea was to demand answers and to put a little fear in them. Once again, who was he fooling? Marcel never backed out of any challenge. Fixing his leather jacket, he strolled to the building but slowly stopped.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, funny seeing you over here. Should you be running New Orleans or hanging out with your werewolf pack in the swamp?"

Marcel came out and of course Violet was on his heels. He pulled the zip up jacket over his head as it began to rain lightly. Violet looked like she was dressed to kill, delightful. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had on a pair of ripped jeans and a light pink pea coat on.

"Well as you already know I'm looking for Elijah and I can't think of two better suspects to have him. Where is he?"

"He isn't here, we haven't seen him. Maybe he decided to run off with his new love interest Hayley. Better yet, maybe Gia is keeping him company somewhere"

He laughed as she amused him. "Jealousy is an ugly thing Violet, I wouldn't want to see it get the best of you. I want to know where you placed my brother"

She glared at him but that shortly turned into a little laugh. The two vampires stood towards the entrance of the building blocking it from Klaus. He placed his hands in his jacket and looked up towards the gray sky. He could wait all day if he wanted, it was up to them.

"As I said, we don't have him. Yes, I called Elijah to forfeit the city and it happens that he mysteriously disappeared. Maybe you should look into your own wolves"

"I already have and what I have heard is a very interesting story. I found out that Violet was once in love with a werewolf named Jacob Thomas. Cute little family in which I'm sure you already know that"

Violet's eyes shifted towards Marcel who gritted his teeth. If he met with Jake then that meant either he was still alive or dead. Even more, he could have told Klaus everything they planned. He could have gave him the witch they used which would be a major problem. He grinned at the sudden change in emotion.

"I got a little bit of info from him and I know you both know where my brother is. I'll hunt the witch down just so we are even if I have to. And don't think for a second I won't kill your little boyfriend. You have something that belongs to me"

"Vice visa, everything works in two ways"

Marcel smirked as Klaus rolled his eyes. You could read on Violet's face an array of emotions. He was annoyed that they still wanted his city. It was Klaus's city and he wasn't going to let anyone take what was his. The whole situation could go peacefully...But he was ready to bite if he had to.

"Well for one, you're not going to get your city back. You'd have to fight me for it and you two can never match my hybrid strength. But by all means, do attack. I know I'm a wolf...And I've been known to bite"

Violet stepped an inch and Marcel watched her carefully. His eyes glowed amber yellow as her veins crept out from under her eyes. He had only a vial and a half left of Klaus's blood so they had to be extra careful not to get bitten by him or any wolf.

"I will get my brother back and when he finds out what you two did, I would stray far from this city. And my dear sister Rebekah, she should be on her way here. Don't let him abandon you again love, you know he's good at it"

Something inside of her clicked and she charged at him. Violet slid on the ground and caught herself on both her hands and knees. Klaus disappeared before she even got to reach him because he knew how to anger her enough to attack. She was never one to have a good temper to begin with. Jumping back up, she glanced at the mud and rock in her hands.

"He's never going to find him. We just have to make sure he doesn't find her"

He was careful enough not to say her name just in case Klaus was near and listening in. She looked behind her shoulder and moved back over to get out of the rain.

"Rebekah won't be a problem, will she?"

Her eyes lit up with mixed emotions about the whole situation. Either Klaus was really telling the truth or he just wanted a rise out of her. Rebekah and Violet were enemies knowing that Marcel was always caught in the middle. Of course Rebekah was his first love ever since he was a child. But Violet was also close to him and choosing one over the other was never going to happen.

"She shouldn't be..."

Without another word, Marcel slipped inside of the vampires temporary home. Violet took a deep breath and stared at the rain as it began to pour. She had no problem taking Rebekah out.

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