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"It's been nice to just stop and enjoy the silence...The quiet is also unsettling"

Klaus dipped his paint brush in a crimson red color. Elijah sat in a chair not far from him, a chapter book open in his hand. They both enjoyed their brother moments; after all there was nothing better to do.

"It's been a quiet couple weeks indeed Niklaus but I have a feeling that it will not last long. Maybe they gave up on their idea of having our city..."

"I highly doubt that but we can always send Rebekah over there so they can once again fight for Marcel's affection"

Klaus smirked and laughed to himself quietly. He did also find the situation so amusing that both girls would fight for him even though he couldn't just choose one of them. Marcel knew what he was doing in war and politics, but not when it came down to the two girls.

"Speak of devil, look who is getting a phone call"

Klaus looked over at Elijah before dipping his paintbrush in more paint. Elijah fished around in his pocket for the ringing cell phone. He pulled the grey phone out and read the screen, Marcel. He sighed heavily before answering it.

"Marcellus, what a pleasant surprise"

"Elijah, I know this is out of the blue but...Violet and I give up. You can have your city and everything in it. I hand it over to the Mikaelson family"

Klaus looked over his shoulder, listening to the phone call. He didn't believe for one minute that they were going to stop fighting. Sure they were nowhere in sight and haven't done any damage to the city but why would he trust it? He knew Elijah would fall for it.

"Am I missing something?" Elijah questioned.

"Look, I understand that you don't get where I'm coming from but I already know that my battle is over. There is no way I could take the city from two originals, even if I have vampires on my side. We're going to leave the city anyway"

"I doubt Niklaus taught you to give up so easily..."

They spoke for a couple more minutes until they got off of the phone. Marcel nodded at Violet who pulled out her phone, dialing Annalynn's number. She spoke softly to her as he stared out the window.

Elijah appeared at the abandon factory almost two hours later. He wanted to see for himself that they were going to leave. Even if Klaus didn't believe it, something told Elijah Marcel was serious. He took in the scenery before moving inside quietly. He wasn't sure if it was a trap so he took every step with precaution. When he stepped into the main room, he saw Violet packing things in a box. Looking behind her, she wiped her hands in her pants and turned to face him.

"Hey...If you're looking for Marcel, he's out back. He's putting boxes into a truck"

"My brother doubted you two but now I see that you are serious. What is it you want in return? I know that you both will not leave peacefully so name your price"

"Before we leave, I want to apologize for the dead wolves. Tell Klaus I said that as well...We don't want any trouble Elijah; we just want to move on with our lives. Maybe Marcel will find another city he can be king of, take it. It's yours anyway"

Violet turned back around and grabbed some books off of the shelf next to her. She packed the box until she heard him disappeared to outside. She took a deep breath and grinned, everything was falling into place.

When the breeze hit Elijah in the face, he knew that Marcel was right around the corner. He was tucking a fold into the box when he heard the Original approach. He said hello to him while grabbing the box next to his feet.

"Sad to see you go Marcellus, where are you off to?"

"I don't know yet. I'm thinking of stopping in Georgia to see a couple of friends, Vi needs to grab some things from Atlanta. After that, I'm not sure"

Elijah huffed lightly as he shoved the last box into the car. It did bug him that he was leaving on such short notice. Under the circumstances, he wished that they could have had more time together. He understood that everything they were doing wasn't right but he and Marcel were close, were...

"It is such a shame, Niklaus didn't believe you were really going and I'm not quite sure I believe it either. I thought I was walking into a trap"

"You guessed right Elijah..." Violet stood behind him a good distance away.

He narrowed his eyes and Marcel just stared at him. Who were they to think they could take down an original? He lunged for Marcel and gripped him around the neck. Violet sprinted and jumped after him, she wrapped an arm around his throat. Yanking him backwards, Marcel fell back against the back of the car. He snapped his fingers towards the window and Annalynn peeked out. She nodded and began to chant the spell. Elijah threw Violet to the ground and she landed hard on her right side. Marcel breathed deep as he charged at him...

Marcel gripped Violet's arm and began to help her up. They both breathed heavily, taking Elijah down was harder than they both thought. Elijah was sitting on his knees, clutching his throat. Marcel wrapped his arm around her as they watched his pale skin turn to grey. Veins creeping out, he fell onto his side. Annalynn placed the doll on the table. The vampires stood up slowly, scratches and cuts began to heal themselves leaving little spots of blood. They both looked up at the window as the witch grinned at them. Now it was time to pick up the pieces.

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