Hit 'em where it hurts

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Klaus had been slowly going through the compound the entire day. Feeling like Lucien was out to get him and as paranoid as he was, he was determined to stay protected. But there was something inside him telling him to grab Hayley and hope and disappear for a while. It would be best to get out New Orleans for a little while so Lucien could be taken care of. He hadn't heard from anyone the entire day as Marcel went on to look for Violet since she escaped as they classified it. Most of the things still were in the compound and not at the mansion Freya owned. She was in the process of putting a spell on that but it was taking longer than expected.

Klaus had moved to his main room and stared at one of his paintings. All the memories that filled up the city began to overwhelm him and it was a shame. Klaus had ran from Mikael for 1000 years and he finally settled in one place. But now a new enemy had stepped forward and was willing to chase him away once again. He grabbed a chest that was tucked away in the corner. Ripping the dresser open, he pulled clothes off the hangers, out of drawers while trying to contact Hayley. She was out in the swamp with their child and he wanted to make sure she was alright. He heard a few footsteps so he paused and stared at the open door. Klaus knew it couldn't have been Lucien unless he figured out a way to get in after Freya's boundary spell. He waited as his heart beat every second until he saw a familiar face.

"Hey, I couldn't find anyone anywhere" Marcel had just entered looking at him. "What's all this for?"

"I'm taking Hope and Hayley and getting out of here until Freya can figure out a way to get rid of Lucien. Let alone Aurora is roaming this city as we speak just to get her brother free"

Marcel had stared at him for a moment than nodded slowly. He thought Klaus would want to stay around and defeat is own enemies. That was the reason Lucien was in the city in the first place, all because of Klaus. Now it seemed that everyone else's hearts were on the line but he didn't disagree.

"Need any help?" It was the least he could do.

Klaus had pointed over to a box that was sitting against the easel. Marcel had slipped his jacket off and grabbed the paint brushes. Wherever Violet was, Marcel could only hope that she was safe. He hadn't gone too far just in case he ran into the older vampire, or whatever he was. Klaus didn't say anymore as he just continued to stuff clothes and Marcel pack up the paintings.

"Father and Son, what a wonderful bonding experience if I could say so myself"

Both men turned to Lucien who was grinning at them from the doorway. They both hadn't moved and the shell shocked expression spoke volumes. "I know you both are wondering how I got here, you're really transparent Nik. Let's just say the ancestors have a way around your sister's magic"

Klaus had slammed the trunk shut and glared at him. He really wasn't worth wasting any time on but he didn't have a choice. He did tell Finn that he would avenge his death and he wanted to see through with that.

"Do I not get a hello? I popped in for a surprise visit and I'm not greeted like a guest. Marcel, you offered your home and everything to me while I was here, you're lucky I didn't take advantage of that"

He took a few steps into the room but they kept their eyes locked on him. Marcel knew what he was referring to and he thought back to Violet. "Speaking of, I left you a little present down at the famous bar we all got together at. She's blonde, has emerald eyes and now is shattered glass. But don't worry, I left her in a bed of her own flowers" Lucien smiled cruelly as Marcel's demeanor changed. "I don't think you'll be talking to her for quite a while though..."

Marcel had zoomed forward but Klaus had shoved his arm out just in time. "Enough...I suggest you leave before things turn ugly"

"Things have already gotten ugly. I turned into something that you created and I've killed your brother. I've turned his girlfriend into a horrific mess and I have one of your ex's on my side. Plus, I've got witches wrapped around my finger so I think things are ready to get worse"

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