Baby Protection

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"You know what; I really wish Marcel would move this stupid piano. There are all these extra rooms; put it in Rebekah's old room...It takes up too much room"

Violet was sitting on the piano bench as she put Hope onto the floor. Freya was holding out a toy and she eagerly went for it. This was one of those random, everything is slow kind of days and she offered to watch Hope with Freya. They both trusted each other well so having her around Hope wasn't any sort of concern. Also, she knew about Freya's history from when she was human and they could connect on more of a personal level.

"Hate to change this subject but you never told me what you were going to name your child"

Freya smiled once Hope took the toy and looked at her. "I really didn't have one at the time, now I hear all these different sounding names that weren't even discovered back then"

She nodded and tried to play something on the piano. Violet was the singing type but yet couldn't play an instrument for dear life. Marcel had tried to show her once but she found it incredibly boring. "I would pick something southern or something out of the ordinary, I'm not a fan of common names...Are you ever going to have children?"

Thinking it over, Freya hardly thought about that as she was always content with Hope. "I would want to, it would be nice to have the chance but yet with this family who honestly would want to?"

Both girls shared a laugh as Hope went and threw the toy into the fountain. Freya sat cross legged on the courtyard ground as Violet glanced at her while trying to play the right notes.

"If I had the chance, I don't think I'd take it. I raised all of my siblings and I don't think I'd be that fit for it. Considering of what I turn into..."She shook her head.

Freya knew that she was ashamed of being a ripper. A lot of times she brushed it off if it was mentioned but she knew deep down that it bothered her. And considering that many other supernaturals heard of her past life, she used to be coined the ripper of the city. It was no surprise that she and Stefan had got along well.

"Hey if Rebekah can handle Hope herself, you could do it also...Speaking of, have you heard anything from her as of late?"

"No, was I supposed to?"

"I thought she was coming back here to check up on Hope. Well that's what I last heard but she never gave me a specific day. I'll have to speak with Elijah once I get back"

Once Violet started to pick up on the melody, Hope began crying and she stopped. "Oh come on, I can't be that bad"

Freya stood up and walked over assuming it was because the toy was soaking wet. Taking the toy out and trying to shake the water off, she continued to cry so she picked her up.

"Is she maybe hungry? I can go get her something. I have some stuff upstairs"

"Well she slept well so she can't possibly be tired" Freya held her and began to bounce her hoping that this was going to calm her sudden outburst. Violet stood up and picked up another toy trying to hand it to her but she only swatted it away. She offered to go get a snack and when she made it to the stairs she saw someone standing up at the top. Narrowing her eyes, she looked around and saw more people in the way. Hope slowly stopped crying and there's where it all made sense.

"Lovely to make a surprise appearance so where is the mysterious Aya hiding?"

Strix vampires flooded the courtyard and all had different positions for each girl. Backing away and moving more towards Freya to make sure she was going to be safe. Freya held Hope closer and began counting how many vampires there was.

"Tristan has a request for you to come speak with him. I'd rather not do this the hard way considering there is a child present but if you don't comply I will"

It seemed a little strange that to both of them that they would send that many members of the Strix just to talk to her. Aya always carried out the dirty work and she was nowhere in sight.

"Can't you see I'm babysitting so I think this could just wait?" She smirked.

One from the right stepped an inch forward and Freya chanted and put her hand out as the vampire flew back into the wall. Violet blinked impressed yet also on guard.

"I can handle all of them in a swift movement, take Hope and take her someplace safe"

Violet couldn't protest as she shoved the child into her arms. Hope nonchalantly looked around as if she wasn't bothered by the scene unfolding. She didn't want to leave Freya there by herself no matter how powerful she was. There were plenty of vampires and she didn't want to doubt her magic but at the same time she did. She told her once more to go and she held Hope tight to her chest as she looked on as Freya started an aneurysm spell. Shoving the vampire down the stairs in a fast motion, Violet looked around and figured out which room would be safest. She went to the room she hated the most, Rebekah's perfectly untouched bedroom.

Zipping to the bed and setting Hope down, she ran back to the door as she could hear footsteps rushing in that direction. Locking the door shut and attempting to break the lock, it wouldn't do much considering a Strix vampire could easily break it down. Knocking the dresser over, she placed it in front of the door before backing away. Such a human thing to do but she really was out of options being trapped in a room. If Violet were just by herself, she would have jumped out the window but she didn't want to take the chance with Hope. Picking her back up, she listened as the door handle rattled.

Violet glanced at the side table and broke a leg off just in case. Hope quietly stared at the door still unfazed by what was going on. Not knowing what would happen if they came in; her mind began to think the worst. When she heard Freya scream, she moved towards the door in reaction to go save her. Of course things go from bad to worse when the door ripped open and the dresser flew back into the wall. Yelling and jumping back, her eyes began to change as two Strix vampires stood at the door with a smirk on their faces.

Hope turned her head to the large standing candle holder and stared at it for a moment. Candles were also laid out on the floor due to the dresser being knocked over. All of the candles lit up to everyone's surprise and the holder cluttered to the ground. Violet watched intently before realizing that it was Hope's doing. The candles all melted together and created a large line of fire separating the vampires at the door and Violet. One of the vampires attempted to step through it but the flames rose and caught his sleeve on fire. Screaming and flinging backwards, the other vampire glared looking between everything in the scene. Violet's eyes slowly lingered towards Hope then to the fire. She had heard about how Hope had turned the car off when she was with Cami but didn't think something like this could actually happen. She knew she was part witch but Hope only seemed like a normal, baby girl. The vampires disappeared in a heartbeat but the flames refused to die down.

Marcel ran into the compound and saw Freya sitting on the floor with her hand on her neck. One the vampires saw him, they all ran away and he bent down to check on her.

"What happened?"

When she removed her hand, he saw the bite mark on her neck and offered his blood. After she drank a little and he helped her up, there was the glow of orange upstairs. Jogging up the stairs they stopped at the fire and looked over to Violet and Hope. After catching wind of who they were, the fire slowly went out.

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