And the dead shall rise

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Dear Marcel,

I hope this finds you well, at least I hope you'll read this or have it in your possession and no one else's. I just wanted to thank you for everything. Saving me numerous times, always taking me back in and saving my life. Not to mention taking care of me with the Ripper side starts to kick in. You were generous enough to open your home; heart ad secret to me even thought I was nothing but a stranger to you. You always thought of me with high respect as I've done the same for you. Out of these hundred and some years of knowing you, you've been the constant in my life.

The cold, dark realization that I'm here began to set in even though it's not going to last that long. I will turn to ash and my memory will be wiped away from a lousy fire. It seems like we will meet our demise but you'll still be here. I don't hate you for your decision with the serum; I'm past all of that. If I was in your shoes, I'd probably do the same thing. The only thing I can't seem to figure out is why my life doesn't matter much to you...

I hate to write this in a letter especially if these are my last words. But it's better to get this off my chest and not die with any regrets. I've been by your side through thick and thin, I've ran when you needed me. After Davina's death, I started to realize more about us. I'm not Rebekah, I can't fill in her shoes. She is your first love, and I am your last. At least with me out of the picture, you too can be together without little ol' me ruining it. I hand over the title of Queen of New Orleans to her. We're better off as friends than anything more. I love you Marcel, I do but I'm not a fool. You don't look at me the way you look at her. We tried but it seemed pushed it and it was one sided thanks to me. I know what we are and what we're not. As for me, I'll stand in the same position I've held for years, second fiddle. I know how to stand in the back. Let Rebekah know she won.

Whether you're reading this as a beast or normal vampire, I hope you rebuild our city and make it what it once was...I wish I could be there at your side but the other side calls my name. Considering that it now is gone, I unfortunately won't be able to watch over your shoulder and I just want to find peace through all of this. Just promise me one thing. Promise me that you will let your hatred for the Mikaelson's go. Klaus means well, he really does. I get you don't see that right now but try to understand his point of view. I get that the last few weeks we didn't get along either but I want you to remember all the good that's came out of this. Also if you would be a dear and tell the Mikaelson's thank you and I'll be forever grateful to them.

One last favor, place me next to Thierry and the other vampires. And if you throw me a funeral or memorial or whatever, please DO NOT do a purple theme. Sure, throw in some violets but don't go over the top. I sweat everyone thinks that's my favorite flower and or color. Just to be on the safe side, I like roses and I don't have a favorite color. Put me in that emerald dress, if it isn't burn to ashes that I wore at the one party. I loved the color of that and I'd be honored. Then again, I don't even know if my body would be in tact...Whatever, do what you want.

I will carry you with me forever and know I didn't die in vain.

Always and forever Marcel. XO Violet.

Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah had all witnessed the compound burn to the ground. Kol and Freya had just reached their siblings with a shocked look on their face. Some of Marcel's vampires were lying dead on the street, some like Josh and Malena were checking on everyone while keeping their eyes glued to the scene. Elijah was in bad shape; Freya and Rebekah were trying their best to help him by doing whatever they could.

"Niklaus, we need to find Lucien immediately" Kol spoke up looking at the wood, ash and mini fires that were still burning.

Klaus shook his head and scrambled to his feet. They had backed away and were almost blown away but everything that happened. "We need to find them...Get Elijah out of here Rebekah, Freya stays and Kol..." The disbelief on his face was so transparent that Kol had never seen him look like that before.

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