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"Why am I the one chosen to do this?

Violet leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed as Hayley and Marcel gave each other a look.

"Why can't you ask Gia, Malena or Tiana? Hell, ask one of your new vampires. Better yet send Josh. He needs a boyfriend so let him do it"

"I don't want anyone else to do this Vi, I need you to do this"

"And you've been helping so much with the wolves that you already know most of the information. Please do this" Hayley said as she sighed.

Violet had planned on relaxing for the rest of the night, not parading New Orleans with some stranger that she had to fake an attraction to. Once they figured out who was the company owner, they both had the idea to send Violet out to scoop him out. It was cold outside and she didn't want to fight through the parade of people either. She really had no choice to even if she didn't want to.

"Alright...Let me go grab my bag and I'll be ready to go"

"I actually already picked out an outfit for you to wear..." Marcel said which surprised Violet.

Hayley, Marcel and Violet stood outside looking at the restaurant building. A vampire had informed them that their mysterious owner was drinking in the bar. Violet had her arms wrapped around her from the weather being so cold and the ridiculous outfit she was wearing.

"I might as well be up on the balcony for Mardi Gras, there isn't much to this outfit Marcel"

"Yeah well you have to look good enough to bring him in"

He smirked at her and she just rolled her eyes. She had a hot pink sequence mini skirt on with a black corset and high heels that she was going to break her ankles in. She wasn't a fan of walking in heels and to her, they were a mile long. It didn't help that they gave her a maroon colored wig on to make herself hidden. They took the chance to hide her so if she kept up the act, he wouldn't know that she was part of the Quarter vampires.

"Minus the hair, I don't think you look too bad"

"This top is too tight, the skirt is too short and this wig is itchy. I look like a hot mess, he finds me attractive in this, and he's way past drunk. Trust me"

Violet handed Hayley her phone and she was going in with nothing to contact them with. He promised they would be waiting out back and some vampires would be inside just in case things decided to go south. She looked herself over one last time before deciding to go in.

"In all honestly, I think you look fine just don't get too carried away, okay?"

Violet gave Marcel a tight smile and kissed him on the cheek, at least that got rid of half the lip gloss she was wearing. Preparing herself for the heels, she moved through the door and scanned the room for him. One vampire nodded in the direction and she moved over to the bar the best she could. She leaned against in and asked the bartender for a Bourbon on the rocks. Violet felt a gaze come her way and she knew it had to be the one.

"I haven't seen a woman in here all day, what a pleasant surprise"

After thanking the bartender for a drink, she turned his direction and paused. Her eyes went wide and her mouth went dry. Clearing her throat, she slyly slipped off her day ring, thank God it was nighttime. She would try her best to be human for the remainder of the time.

"I'm Lucien, and you are let me guess...Wait, do I know you from somewhere?"

Violet shook her head and smiled. "Lucien, that's a name you don't hear very often, it's very old. I'm Vi..." She quickly caught herself before she blew her cover. "Veronica. And I don't believe so, I'm originally from Tennessee, my friends brought me here for a vacation"

Lucien looked her up and down swearing he had seen her before. Violet took her drink then ordered another without a question. At least he didn't say she looked hot so she knew information wouldn't be too hard to get.

"Well let's just say I come from a long line" He said.

She threw her old accent in just for precaution. "You build something, don't you? Your hands tell a very interesting story....That ring is totally adorable. I love the color, and the design. Where did you get it?"

"It was specialty made. You in that outfit are adorable and stunning..."He grinned at her so at that moment maybe she guessed wrong. Violet took her drink then offered a smile and sexy glance.

"Why don't you come with me and I'll show you some things I've built"

Lucien put down money for both of their drinks and extended his hand out to hers. The vampires looked towards her direction trying their best not to look suspicious. Taking his hand, Violet stood up and followed him out the doors. Making their way to his car, Hayley and Marcel stared at them wondering what she was doing. Gazing at them, she shrugged her shoulders and laughed while he told her something. Marcel gritted his teeth and watched, worried of how this night was going to turn out.

Tiana knocked the Mikaelson mansion door and took in the scene around her. It was her first time being there and she accepted Freya's invitation to go out for the night. When Freya invited her in, she first showed her the house and it was bigger than she imagined. She thought the plantation house Violet owned in Atlanta was huge and was a lot to clean; cleaning this home would be the death of her. She led her to a sitting room as Freya was fixing her hair.

"I was thinking we could bar hop tonight, some places on Bourbon then to the outskirts. Is that okay? I don't know if this is your kind of thing but I didn't feel like going alone"

Tiana waved her off saying it was fine. Truth was, the girls didn't really know each other that well. They really only knew each other by Violet but her partner in crime was on her own date tonight.

"I know Malena was going to show up at some point if I decide to tell her where we are, where is Vi tonight?"

"Oh at some restaurant so I have heard. Hayley found the name of the guy that owned the company tracking down the wolves so Marcel came up with a mission for her to get information out of him...I know the last name is Castle but I can't think of the first name, Lucien or Lucius or something"

She grabbed her coat off of the chair and the girls began to leave the mansion. It didn't really click on Tiana until the stepped outside to the cool air.

"Wait a minute, are you talking about Lucien Castle?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is his name. All I know is that he wanted her to get answers but protect her identity just in case they got discovered or something. I don't get the logic considering he probably already knows about the vampires in the Quarter"

"They know each other already..."

Freya turned to her once they got in the car, smiled and laughed. She found that amusing and wondered if the plan would backfire on Marcel. It would be funny to watch something go up in smoke.

"What do you mean they know each other?"

"If it is the same Lucien that she met in Georgia in the 40's, they dated for like a year or something. She left New Orleans to check up on everything at home and she turned me in 1942. I know that she met him a little after that. One day, Lucien just got up and left, he disappeared and she never heard anything from him. Violet left a month later to New Orleans"

"She isn't going to be in any danger or anything right?"

Freya reached into her bag when she heard her phone go off. About a second later, Tiana's phone buzzed and they knew it had to be a message from Marcel. He was asking if they had seen Violet but of course neither of them knew. The girls looked at each other and both texted back no. Freya messaged him that they had to talk about something and she knew that she was going to go back inside for the night. Knowing him, Freya was going to have to do a locator spell but what good was that really going to do? Putting the car in reverse, she backed out of the driveway and made her way to the restaurant on the Quarter.

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