Kick me while I'm down

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Josh had been blinking heavily as he took in all the information Violet was giving him. It was a lot to take in as he was left out on all the valuable information. He had been a helping hand it cleaning up Davina and Cami's things and hadn't seen anyone in a while. When she called to borrow his car, he didn't think nothing of it and didn't know her intentions.

"So Vincent got rid of Aurora and took the serum from her system?" He pushed the punching bag back to the wall as the two of them had got done training a few vampires.

"Yeah but don't ask me how because you know witches like to be mysterious. And then he has the nerve to offer Marcel the serum. I mean come on; why in the hell would you do that?" She pushed her hair out of her face and took care of the other one.

"Maybe he had no use for it and just decided to give it away"

"Think about it though, this serum is a powerful dose that makes a normal vampire stronger than an Original. You know that vampires and witches in this town haven't been getting along since like the 50's so why...Why give a frenemy of yours a serum that makes them stronger than even you"

Violet looked at Josh who did nod in agreement. It was her mission to make Josh see that Marcel would be making a huge mistake and that he should help change his mind. Yes, being very powerful is a good thing but at the same time it is a downfall. It did frighten her that if their fate actually happens and they are supposed to die, she will be the only one who actually will.

"Has Marcel taken it yet? I'm going to take it as a no I hope" He wiped off his forehead.

"Not that I know of and if he did, he will never hear the end of it from me. You know what is supposed to happen so let's say he actually drinks the blood. We all know that Lucien cannot be killed because no one knows how to kill him" She stopped talking at just paused. "If we have to end in fire, I will die and Marcel will still be here, king of New Orleans"

Josh had given her a soft look and could see the feat that spread across her face. He hadn't got along with many of Marcel's vampire army especially Diego. But when Violet showed up, they connected on some equal level and had gotten along just fine. One thing he admired about her was that her human side was always in check and they could connect as if they were just humans passing in the street.

"Nothing's going to happen to you, Marcel or this city. You two built an empire together and will remain together until the end of time"

"Have you been reading Nicholas Sparks again?" She let out a minor laugh which made him smile.

"You know what I mean. Not even time is going to tear you apart. If I have to convince him not to take it then I will. While Lucien lurking around it would be smart to but was are the consequences of it?"

"Trust me; I've got a lot of questions about it as well. You know when you turn into a vampire, your emotions heighten. Do they get worse with a better serum? He would be able to compel vampires I'm sure. And his bite is going to be a lot worse than his bark"

"Nice to see my vampires are talking about me" Marcel had just walked in from the backdoor and threw his jacket onto the chair. Both Josh and Violet had parted and looked over at him. He had come in so quietly that neither one of them even heard the door.

"Oh we were just talking about how awesome this place is going to look after you change it all up"

Marcel had given him a serious look to make sure he knew what they were talking about. "Funny, because I thought the discussion was about this" He dug into his jean pocket and pulled out the little vital of blood. Josh's eyes lit up in surprise and amazement.

Bottom of the RiverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora