Voodoo Queen

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Annalynn Verdoux walked into the empty building. The vampires could feel her presence and they waited for her arrival. Jake found what they needed and he did it very well. No one could have picked up on their plan, not even an Original.

"Annalynn, it's so nice to see you again" Marcel heard her footsteps before she walked into the room.

"You should remember that your charm doesn't work on me...Who's that?"

Violet looked up from her book she was reading and looked the girl over. She had jet black hair down to her waist, gold bracelets decorated her wrists. Her dark brown skin and facial features were exotic, she spoke with an accent. Even though Violet had been at his side for a while, she had actually never met this voodoo queen.

"That's Violet. Violet, this is Annalynn Verdoux. The most powerful witch of New Orleans, at least in my book you are. I take it that Jake filled you in on everything?"

She walked closer to get a look at Violet. She had been a good friend of Marcel's but his vampires she really didn't trust. She thought maybe she'd just have to answer to him but she guessed wrong. Violet stood up and pointed at the couch. Annalynn slowly walked over and sat down.

"I know most of it, I heard that you want a spell done" She noticed supplies on the coffee table.

"If my memory serves me correct, this is what you need for the spell we want done. Back in the 1950s when Marcel studied law, I took it upon myself to study witchcraft even though I cannot perform it. I know the ins and outs so you could just call me a jack of all trades"

"I know you haven't really trusted my men but Vi here is the one that suggested this"

The two girls met eyes then Annalynn looked away and took in what was on the table. A bowl used for crushing things such as bones and herbs, a long knife used for cutting their skin. Candles and charms written on paper, supplies to make a poppet and of course pins.

"It looks like you know what you're doing Violet and I appreciate everything you've collected but what kind of spell do you want done?"

"Desiccation...I thought maybe you could use your little voodoo charm and conjure a spell"

Marcel's eyes flickered towards Violet's and they gave each other a hopeful look. Either she was going to agree or not then they would be back at the beginning. Of course they could find another witch but who would honestly risk it. There were a couple of times that Annalynn helped but who said she was going to now?

"Let me guess, Klaus Mikaelson?" Her bracelets clicked together when she leaned forward to grab the knife.

"No, Elijah. We thought if we held something against him, he would actually reason with us and give the city back...Will you do it? I know it's a lot to ask for"

"He won't know it was you that did the spell either. I took precautions to cover up the tracks so when you go back into the city, it won't be pinned out as the one who did the spell" Violet leaned in as well.

Annalynn curled her lips into a smile and looked at the vampires. He crossed his arms and moved over to the opposite couch where Violet was. He had done favors for her in the past so it was time she returned hers. It took only about a half hour to get everything ready, Annalynn was grateful that Violet was there to help her. As she thought of a spell that could work, Violet made the poppet and lay out everything. They often went back and forth talking, laughing and they enjoyed it. It wasn't often that either one of them had a close friend.

"I need your blood so if you can sit right next to Violet Marcel that would be great. I'm sure you know that blood will make the spell stronger and since he is an original..."

Violet held her pale wrist over the bowl and she slowly sliced it. Marcel did the same and he watched their blood fall into the dark bowl. Once the wound healed, they rubbed their wrists and watched as she mixed it with herbs and oils. He placed his hand on her knee, they knew what they were doing was dangerous...But they didn't care.

"Once I start the spell, this doll will look more like Elijah. I know you know what to do after it is completed and I'll return back home. Are you sure you still want to do this?"

They both nodded. "It's time we get back what is ours. Do whatever it takes"

She picked up the doll and started to recite a spell. They watched quietly as she dipped her fingers into the bloody mixture. Annalynn proceeded to draw a cross over the heart on the poppet. She then slowly put the doll in it, it turned completely red...

"Tomorrow is the day that we begin to get everything back"

Violet agreed as she picked up the remains of the spell. They both thanked Annalynn and gave her a good amount of money. Marcel handed her a bowl to throw everything in. It was hard to say if either one of them understood that they could die for their actions. The vampires were just protecting what is theirs and were going to get it back one way or another.

"I'll call Elijah in the morning and we should be ready to go"

"I'll contact Annalynn and let her know that he is here and she can begin to do this spell"

She smiled and laughed lightly to herself. It felt good being the bad guys.

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