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Lucien stood outside of the Strix mansion checking his phone. Tristan had insisted that they should meet together to talk about the sire war. Yes, he had been working with him but that didn't mean he still had ulterior motives. He wasn't going to let Tristan take Klaus down because who said he would just put him to sleep. It would make more sense to just erase his line completely and Lucien would be damned if he would let that happen.

When a vampire told him he could come in, he was less than thrilled. He had never been accepted in nor did he want to. And the hatred between the vampires was clear that you could cut it with a knife. Tristan had been sitting in front of a large window with a glass of blood in his hand. He smiled when he saw Lucien come in and offered him the chair next to him. He asked for the other vampire to bring him a glass as well.

"It's a beautiful view, isn't it? I didn't think New Orleans could be this good looking, the Quarter isn't much to take in"

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Lucien quickly asked which got a quiet laugh from Tristan.

"I just want to discuss everything. How is the girl doing, Elyse is it?"

Once Tristan looked back towards the window, Lucien slyly slipped his phone in his jacket pocket. Once the other vampire stepped in, he quickly shifted his hand to his collar as if he were just fixing it. He accepted the glass of blood then turned Tristan's way.

"I think she's taking a liking in a vampire so that plan is going as followed"

The plan wasn't for Elyse to actually fall in love with Caleb. It seemed like both parties didn't mind that they were seeing each other regularly but that may have worked due to Violet and Lucien getting along. Of course Lucien was playing both sides with one another not knowing.

"Good, my sister should be arriving shortly so I have a feeling Niklaus will want to show up sometime soon. I think we should take Elijah down first"

"Wouldn't Rebekah be the easiest to take down? Aya could simply take her on or you could even lure her in a trap with the King of the Quarter. I think taking her out first then Elijah and lastly Nik"

Lucien shifted in the chair and drank a good portion of the blood. Once Tristan stood up, he made sure he moved in a better way and careful not to hit his phone in his pocket. Truth be told, he wouldn't let anything happen to Klaus. Taking the other Originals out of the way still would make matters worse but he only concern was for his sire. He really didn't want to go after any of them but he had to sound if he did. Violet really trusted his word on it and he knew she wouldn't hesitate to try and kill him if he betrayed her. Tristan thought things over and shook his head.

"Elijah goes first, that will cause a deep rift between them. I believe you have Miss Badeaux in place, am I correct?"

Lucien didn't say anything at first which caught Tristan's gaze. He placed the blood on the side table and stood up as well. He walked towards the window looking out before turning to him.

"Not exactly but I've got her good enough. I know showing up startled her enough that it will cause damage to the relationship she is in. I know her strengths and weaknesses"

"Correct, Marcel Gerard who has no idea what we are trying to accomplish" Tristan grabbed his glass of blood and held it out to him. "Your anagapesis for that girl is completely nonexistent so I have faith that this will be easier than we all think. The Strix are prepared against the younger vampires if there is some sort of uprising. I'll send Aya to the compound and order her to give Marcel information on Elijah. Cheers to taking out our sires"

Lucien smirked and grabbed his glass as well. Their glasses clicked together and each drank the rest of the blood. Tristan dismissed him and Lucien was relieved that it was over. He could hold his poker face well but his exit was long overdue. Stepping outside and into his car, he slipped the phone out and stopped the recording. Driving away and dialing Violet's number, he knew she would have to hear the conversation.

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