Somebody's Watching Me

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"I say we just tie him to a chair, let him start to rot then tempt him with blood"

Both Freya and Violet looked up from the mirror and looked at Tiana. She shrugged her shoulders and gave them both a questioning look waiting for an answer.

"All I'm saying is you know how Lucien is Vi, I know how he can be sometimes. Who said he's going to give you the right answers you and Marcel are expecting?"

"Yeah, he doesn't know I'm going out tonight"

Tiana gave her a suspicious look knowing that she knew she had something up her sleeve. If Marcel had no idea she was going out then that meant Violet was on a secret mission. Freya was going out tonight and she knew that Lucien would have to be in the crowd always being the one feeding off of the girls in the club. If that was true, it was time to turn on her charm and ask away.

"I need you to distract him while Freya and I go out to find him. If things don't work, I'll resort to your option. I just want answers to everything and anything"

"How am I going to distract your boyfriend? You know him better than me"

"I don't know, make up something. Trust me; Marcel isn't the kind of guy to go into a bar full of people and party. I'm luring him out to Saint James so just make sure he doesn't go there. All I have to do is go and bat my eyelashes, wear good enough red lipstick and if I have to torture him"

Violet watched Freya dance inside The Abbey, a bar she knew Lucien would show up to. Her eyes traveled to a wall full of band stickers that seemed to cover the entire place. Placing her drink down, she got up and walked over to one changing her spot. Maybe she'd be able to find him someplace else inside. Looking through the crowd once last time, she focused her attention on the colorful wall until she felt a presence lurk up behind her.

"A girl alone in a bar is a dangerous situation" She knew by the accent who it was so she spun around. "You look like you could use a drink princess"

Lucien smiled and held out a drink to her. Violet smiled sweetly and grabbed the drink. He took a sip of his but she looked her drink over carefully.

"Oh come on, it's not like I would spike it or anything..."

He watched as she poured the drink on the ground and handed him the empty glass. Lucien sighed and took a bigger drink than before. She really didn't think it was poisoned but last time she drank, it was the witches fault for the pain she had received. Violet tapped him on the cheek and led him outside; it had started to snow which was a surprise to her considering it never snowed. The bar Marcel owned, Saint James wasn't too far away so it was easy enough to lure him there. It was mostly because she didn't want to hear the music pounding and others listening in. Lucien did follow her out and Violet knew that it was going to be easier than she thought. Once inside, she flipped on the lights and jumped up on bar and kicked out a stool for whenever he showed. Leaning back, she grabbed whatever bottle was closest to her and poured to drinks.

"Wasn't this how we met, in that little Jazz bar outside of Covington? You hopped up on stage singing Alexander's Ragtime Band and then you decided to feed off of some girl while sitting on the bar, good way to be discreet"

"Says the guy who walked in with a blood stain on his collar and blood pooled in the corner of his mouth"

Lucien laughed taking the drink. "Right, and afterwards we decided to..."

Violet held her hand up and stopped him from finishing the sentence. She knew better than to speak of past events especially if it wasn't in New Orleans. Yes she may have been a ripper in the city but outside was a different story. That led to her being locked up in the 50's without retaining any sort of control when she left. He took a seat next to her and she just looked him over.

"So you are going to give me the answers I want or this will get a little messy, who's the witch girl?"

"Straight to the point as always..." He sighed and took a drink. "Well Alexis doesn't really consider herself a witch, she's more of a cypher. And you know what she can do; you feed from her and see into the future. I myself have no clue what you seen so if you would want to share"

"How true are her futuristic views?" Raising an eyebrow, she poured him another drink. With her luck, he'll drink a little too much and not get the information she's wanting.

"Well over time they've become more clear and more real so I'm going to guess that you saw something damaging and you are afraid that it is going to come true?"

Lucien gave her a cheeky smile and it was her turn to take a drink. She was debating on telling him what she saw because she didn't want to bring him into anything. And really not getting why he was there was even better because who said he wasn't in the Strix? Violet gave in and told him on how she saw the city becoming nothing but ashes and not surviving to build it back up. He blinked and nodded.

"I told you that it is the sire line war. Once the Originals return back to the city, they are going to capitalize on that opportunity. I hold something that will craft the weapon they need to put them to a permanent sleep"

"I find it both hilarious and interesting that you show up the same time they do"

"Hello, we all come from Klaus's sire line so why would I be against you and your boyfriend? I'm here to protect him and make sure the Strix don't attempt to completely erase him"

Violet took a deep breath and thought everything over. It wasn't like Lucien to lie to her and mostly at something as big as this. It would make sense for the Strix to be in town waiting for the Originals to come home. Maybe Marcel knew all of this and Violet was just left out in the dark on it all. One way or another she was going to take his word on it and Alexis's. They would fight with flesh and bone to protect the city and it seemed like they were going to. But if it was true, Lucien on their side would be rewarding due to his age. She smiled at and gave him the rest of the bottle.

"Here, you drink the rest while I go back to The Abbey and enjoy yourself; I'll see you around it looks like. Enjoy your stay"

Hopping off the bar, she walked towards the door until she heard him speak up.

"And she'll have fun, fun, fun until the city burns to the ground"

The next morning, Hayley glanced around the cream colored plantation house it hopes that the Thomas's were home. She hated going to them for a favor but she knew that they would be able to blend in fine. Amelia opened the door and to her surprise there was Hayley. She invited her in and brought her into the den where Jake was with their two children. It was her first time being there and it seemed as if Violet did a perfect job picking out a home for them.

"This place is amazing..." She glanced around and slowly started to question if she should ask some other wolves. "Look, I need a really big favor to be done and I didn't want to ask the other wolves"

The couple gave each other a look thinking that it was the vampires who wanted something done. They didn't hate the vampires in the Quarter, especially Marcel and Violet considering everything they had done for them in the last few months. But they still both believed that vampires should handle their own business with their kind and the same for the wolves.

"There are some new vampires stalking the Quarter and I'm pretty sure they know our pack. They had all sorts of information on Marcel and it wouldn't surprise me if they had more than that. I just want you both to pose as visitors and keep a few tabs on them, check what they are doing and all that"

"What makes you think they don't know us?" She asks crossing her arms.

"They may and they may not. I'm asking you to do it because you don't stay with the pack out in the Bayou. They possibly could fall for the act not knowing who you are. I'll even stay and watch Emily and Christopher in return. Maybe Hope can meet them sometime. I just want to make sure the pack is safe"

Emily was the only one excited in the house. She had always liked Hayley and she pretty much begged her parents to go have fun in her terms. They did believe in always fighting for their pack but to what extent? Amelia and Jake exchanged glances and agreed to do it. It looked like everyone was starting to take one for the team.

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