Kyogre Versus Solgaleo

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"Woo-hoo! Yes! We did it! Alright!" The Unovian Trio cheered when we walked out of the wormhole with Nebby.
I can't believe I just used a Solgaleo Z Move. If it was that powerful, it definitely means that it can take Kyogre out one shot. And here's the thing: we completely forgot about what was happening in the outside world. Kyogre was really having a fit, washing out forests, drowning the Pokémon who didn't make it out in time. Steven and Wally were put with Ilima and Sophocles. Good news is that everyone left Melemele before that happened, bad news is: Gladion was here. And he was in big trouble. Apparently, he just got there and Kyogre noticed him and tried to drown him. It was working alright. Gladion clung onto a pile of rocks, his Zoroark trying to yank him on the rocky shore as a whirl pool tried to sweep him right into Kyogre's mouth. Like a little happy meal that will get him satisfied. Using Sheer Cold, Kyogre blew his fuse and iced up half the sandy shores, barely missing Lillie with an inch.
In fact...
"LILLIE!" We all screamed as we saw her paddle to her brother.
She was probably going to get swallowed down Kyogre's big hatch and I knew once in, no out. Nebby puffed up and knelt down for me and the others to get on. We put our Pokémon in their Pokéballs and Emolga flew to my shoulder as Nebby took off to the air.
He passed by the shores slowly enough for us to jump off and land on our feet then he took off like a missile into the ocean.
He paddled powerfully towards Lillie and dove down, coming back up and lifting. Her on his back. He gave a lunge through the whirlpool just as Gladion couldn't hang in longer and slammed his paw onto his sleeve.
It barely held Gladion in place.
I watched as Lillie reached out for rescue. Trying to balance on Nebby's body, she held out her hand as far as her arm would go and Gladion tried to reach back.
Gladion closed his eyes and reached farther. If Nebby got closer, he wouldn't be able to get out of the whirlpool. Lillie almost slipped off if Emolga didn't use her newfound speed and anchor her tail to Lillie's shirt.
All of us yelled at Kyogre to cut it out and if one of us took the the risk of shooting him with a move, all of us are going goodbye. Steven's Alolan Sandslash used Ice Beam and froze the water into a bridge towards Lillie. I nodded at him and he nodded back, holding up his arms for balance as he walked across.
Nebby looked back and saw Steven making his way towards him. Eevee and Ilima followed Steven's lead, holding up arms for balance and walked across the bridge. Ah shoot, I knew this was going to happen. I gulped, following as well and before I knew it. The bridge was cracking up behind me. Steven got on Nebby with a big jump and held Lillie's hand, making her stretch longer for Gladion to finally reach. Well Problem 1 is taken care of. Now for this: the ice broke apart and me and Ilima were exposed to Whirlpool Surfing. It was nuts. Emolga zapped Kyogre the moment Nebby took off and I held on to the edges tightly. This was about to get crazy.
Ilima and Eevee were yelling out and Zoroark leapt through the water, using its illusions to make a barrier for us to stop. I got on top of the barrier and held on tight as Ilima grabbed my hand.
"Up...we...GO!" I struggled, pulling him up beside me.
Panting, we gave each other a tired high five and before I knew it, Ilima grabbed my wrist and jumped with me off as Kyogre blew another Sheer Cold to make an iceberg surround him. I slid down on the ice and stopped Ilima from falling down the water. It was up to me and him to battle and slow down Kyogre. Nebby would use Iron Head and Metal Claw to distract him sometimes.
"Okay Eevee use Swift now!" Ilima said.
"Go Emolga use Shock Wave!" I followed.
Both our Pokémon released waves of power at Kyogre but even that couldn't work.
I jumped with Ilima and Emolga to the side as Kyogre used Waterfall and almost drowned us. Eevee was stuck on the other side of the iceberg and if we tried to get there, Kyogre would be faster and finish us off.
"EEVEE NO!" Ilima shouted helplessly reaching out for his Pokémon.
"Eev! Eevee!" Eevee reached back but he couldn't get hold of her paw.
"SHOOT! ILIMA! EEVEE! WATCH OUT!" I threw Ilima backwards and leapt forwards towards Eevee.
I held her tight as Kyogre used Waterfall again and almost took us out. Ilima and Emolga on one side, me and Eevee on the other. This was already working out great.
Kyogre used Aqua Tail and smashed the Iceberg between me and Ilima apart as if knowing we would try to get to each other. Then he used waterfall and swept us right into our friends.
I opened my eyes and held out my hand for Steven to pull me up. It was our final try. Solgaleo and I were going to pull it off one last time. My Solganium Z glowed and Kyogre charged.
Yes! Now we caught up! We've been through so much together already! And now you know why I'm facing off a giant Whale with a Cosmic Lion and an Emolga. Wanna know how it ends?
Yeah, I wanna know too.
It was just depressing. The way you feel when Kyogre lunges at you. It is like...I death snaps everything into perspective. With this Legendary around, I don't know what to do. Emolga and Solgaleo stood by my side and we were ready to pull off one last Z-Move. A Z Move powerful enough to take Kyogre down.
Time slowed down and I felt...wrong. I know who should pull this Z Move off. Lillie. She's taken care of Nebby her whole life now.
"No," I shook my head and Solgaleo gave me a questioning look, "I won't do it."
"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled at me.
"I'm not the one who has to do it," I said, "Lillie is the one who should pull it off."
"Wh-what?" Gladion said.
"Lillie should do it," I repeated, "You know Nebby more than anybody and I know one thing about you; it's that you don't give up. So here. Take Solganium Z and do it."
Lillie's hand trembled as she took the Z Crystal. I believed in her and she slightly shook her head.
"I'm not a trainer..." she whispered, "I do know this though: if I've ever trusted anyone with Nebby more than you or Iris, it's Steven. He's a trainer. He can pull it off."
Steven looked down and took a glance at full-battle mode Rowlet. Lillie was right. She wasn't a trainer but Steven was. And he was just about the best Alolan Trainer I ever met.
We all gave Steven a smile and he nodded back, taking it and putting it on his wrist. Time to take out Primal Kyogre for good.
"Nebby," Steven said, X-ing his arms to begin the Z Move, "All of this training comes down to this. This last Z Move that will decide what the Alola will be. Wally, Iris, Cilan, Lillie, Amy, Hau, Hala, Kukui, Lillie and I...we all believe in you. We all trust you. Which is why we are going to put our full power in this. This is why we met in the first place. LET'S GO!"
Nebby and Steven combined powers and Kyogre leapt up at us in his full power.
Nebby glowed until he was too bright to even be seen and we covered our eyes as he roared and leapt at Kyogre in his full power. Wally and Gallade clung onto each other and Emolga wrapped her arms around my hand, bracing for impact. Roaring, an explosion literally shook the sky as Kyogre gave a wail and backed up hundreds of meters. In fact, the heat waves kept going. I saw the Blue Orb sail out of Kyogre and his Primal Mode disabled.
"WALLY!" I called, "GO ON!"
"GO ON WHAT?" He asked.
"YOU NEED TO!" We all said to him.
Wally didn't like it and his hand trembled as he took out his final Master Ball—the Master Ball his Uncle gave him on his birthday a few months ago—and threw it high enough for Gallade to kick towards Kyogre.
One zap and the storms cleared just like that. The Master Ball fell with a tiny splash onto the surface of the water and it shook three times before clicking.
Oh God he did it!
All of us removed our arms from our eyes and looked at the floating object. Wally rolled up his pants and swam towards it, grabbing it and raising the Kyogre Ball high. We all clapped and cheered, rooting for him.
Lillie gave her brother a big hug and I looked out, breathing heavily. Well, we did it. We finally beat Kyogre. My train of thought was lost for a moment before we saw Team Aqua running up to us. I could tell they wanted to know what happened to Kyogre.
"Where is the chaos?" One of them demanded.
"Oh your chaos stops here," Cilan said angrily.
Wally raised his Master Ball and Archie just gaped at him, mouth open. Iris growled and Lillie crossed her arms over her chest. Steven curled his fingers into fists and I knew if he could have, he would have punched Archie in the face. I bet he couldn't do it infront of me though.
Soon, everyone backed Team Aqua and booted them back to Hoenn and the Alola was back to normal within a few hours. Steven and I sat at the steps of Kukui's porch and watched our friends mess around. It was our final day here in the Alola and I knew it was also Steven's final day with me.
God only knows what Wallace is up to right now. I was going back to Unova with my team and him and Wally will go back to Hoenn where they belong. I didn't want Steven to go. I didn't want him to leave.
He had to though and I knew it was a must.
"Steven..." I said, "What do you think of the Alola after all this?"
"Well let's see," Steven pondered for a while and a smile formed on his face, "It's a great place, with great trainers and amazing people but everything is constantly trying to hurt us and kill us that is one thing. A ton of great Pokémon, not lying there and these guys."
He signaled Hau and Gladion and Lillie with his head who talked to Kukui and Wally. I laughed and let him wrap an arm around my shoulders. At least this was the best day anyone ever asked for.
"I don't want you to go..." I paused sadly.
Emolga blew with electricity and Iris backpedalled into Wally. Steven put his head against mine and he kissed me.
"I know," he said, "I have to though. And you know that. So all I want you to do is understand, okay?"
"Yeah," I pulled him into a squeezing big hug and he put his arms around me.
I traced the lines of his back and breathed softly on his shoulder. Somehow the Alola made me realize how important he and Wally were. I was growing fond of Wally's skill and I was so proud of him for the past few months I adventures alongside him.
Gulping, I hugged Steven tighter and whispered so softly, I almost didn't hear it myself:
"I love you."
Oh my freaking God! We finally did it! This isn't the end of the story yet but it is the final day of their Alolan Adventure. How did you guys like the book so far? Pretty epic right? Well, get yourself ready because I don't think this is the end of their endless adventures yet!
And lately VishnuPro16 said that we've been updating a whole lot. Well, that was because we were trying to say sorry for the delays. So sorry!
This is literally us typing the story now:

God we needed seven breaks within that! Anyways I hope you guys are ready for the last few chapters! See you later!

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God we needed seven breaks within that! Anyways I hope you guys are ready for the last few chapters! See you later!

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