Alola Wally!

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So let's just say Guzma didn't have a happy conversation. Everyone kept arguing and fighting and yelling at each other to quiet down and let the Professor explain. Our next opponents: Cilan versus Iris, Sophocles versus Steven and me versus Lillie. It was going to be crazy.
Okay, to make this not drag along too much, I'll explain things with not too much details like I usually do. I was starting with Emolga against Altaria as always and then I was going to release my Mega Lucario on Snowy. If Lapras is up next, I throw out my Sceptile.
Steven definitely had to get Kartana on his fighting team. He was starting with Kartana to get it a taste of what real battling feels like, then he's out with Metagross and Rowlet will be his final Pokémon.
Cilan has his three Pokémon Steenee, Popplio and his Pansage (don't ask me when he caught the Steenee though). Iris was choosing her partner Haxorus, Hydreigon and of course her Hakamo-o.
We were going well in this tournament and I have a feeling Kartana will chop everyone infront of it.
"Okay Steven, we're going to watch Iris and Cilan battle. See how Steenee and Pansage fight so Rowlet would get an idea of how to kick butt," I told him as we sat on some unoccupied seats.
"Right Rowlet, keep a close eye on Cilan's grass types! You might learn something," Steven told his barely half lidded Rowlet.
I have a feeling Rowlet won't be paying attention to any of this. Cilan and Iris walked onto the field and Nanu and his Persian looked from one of them to another.
"Okay..." he began in a boring tone, "You know the rules and so do I, battle begin and let's get this over with already."
Cilan and Iris looked at him and nodded as if saying yeah, he told us to battle.
"Now!" Cilan yelled, "Go Pansage!"
"Alright here we go Hakamo-o!" Iris said.
The two Pokémon stepped on the field and immediately started to get in each other's faces. Pansage started with his classic Bullet Seed and Hakamo-o's scales knocked them aside like they were nothing.
"Okay Pansage! Use Solar Beam!" Cilan ordered.
"Hakamo-o use Dragon Pulse!" Iris countered.
Solar Beam bounced right off as it met with Dragon Pulse. The strong type it is, Hakamo-o stood its ground but the force of the impact knocked Pansage right off his feet.
"Now Hakamo-o use Flamethrower!" Iris yelled.
Taking a sharp breath in, Hakamo-o launched a ball of fire at our not so fire proof friend and fainted him. Well, what can I say? Grass and Fire don't go well. But what Iris didn't know is that Cilan also had a focus sash on his Pokémon.
"Now return Pansage," Cilan said quietly, "Don't worry, you'll get another try once you rest up. NOW LET'S GO STEENEE!"
His Steenee stepped up and looked a little bit more advanced than Cilan's Pansage. Roaring, Hakamo-o lunged with Dragon Claw and took a swipe. Luckily Steenee was fast and dodged it no problem.
"Flamethrower!" Iris shouted.
Hakamo-o looked sideways and blasted fire like a rocket booster. Steenee got burned in the leg but she still got up anyways.
"Get over him and use Acrobatics!" Cilan shot.
Of all his years in experience of being a chef, Cilan knew how to keep his voice calm and quiet making it sound low even though he was spitting fire at his Pokémon right now.
"Hakamo-o, look—"
Iris watched her Dragon type go bam into the ground. She didn't look mad since she was like, at her second Pokémon.
"Go, Hydreigon!" She called out.
Since Hydreigon has three heads, it will be difficult to go around him or tackle him from behind. Because if one head can't catch the opponent, don't get too excited because the other two will be there to give you a happy greeting.
"Now Hydreigon, use Dragon Breath!" Iris began again.
"Dodge it Steenee!" Cilan ordered, "Then use Double Kick!"
"Oof, Fighting Moves are tough," Steven said, "Not as tough as Fairy Moves though."
"Yeah," I giggled, "Whenever against Iris, get a Sylveon like mine."
Rowlet didn't take its eyes off Steenee which surprised me more than it did to Steven. That thing sleeps like a log. Hydreigon was not fast meaning he couldn't catch up to Steenee.
"Alright Steenee use Dazzling Gleam now!" Cilan called out.
Tough Break for Iris. That move made Hydreigon go down half health. She flipped over him and almost landed if it weren't for Iris who acted quickly and—
Hydreigon spun around and slapped his tail against Steenee's fragile grass body, sending her into the ground hard. His heads chomped angrily but Steenee got up anyways.
"Okay Steenee, use Acrobatics AGAIN!" Cilan commanded.
"Now Hydreigon, let's go! Take the chance and finish it off using Outrage!"
Leaving the user confused is one of Outrage's side effects (A/N: thanks to Pokemon Masters where we able to learn that) and it left Hydreigon scarred good. Both him and Steenee.
"Right Popplio, it's up to you now!" Cilan said, throwing in a Pokeball.
"Now return! Good job Hydreigon! Now it's your turn Haxorus!" Iris called out her Partner Pokémon and he pounded the ground, ready to battle and take over some bathrooms.
"Water Gun go!"
"Haxorus, block it!"
I have to admit, pretty intense battle. When I looked up in the sky, I thought about my Stone. Just getting the thought of having a Solganium Z lying there in my Pocket was nuts.
"Popplio!" Cilan yelped as Haxorus used Dragon Claw and blasted him into the ground, "Quick use Aqua Jet to get away!"
Popplio winced as it got up and used its watery body to surf out of the way when Haxorus stomped down on where it was. Cilan gulped and yelled out for Popplio to use Water Gun one last time.
"Now use Dragon Claw!"
And down goes Popplio. Cilan didn't react badly though. He renounced Popplio and pulled back Pansage. Right in that Pokeball was a well rested, fast grass monkey Pokémon.
"Wait what?" Iris said, confused as Pansage stepped up again, "How?"
"Steven there gave me a good plan of using a focus sash to save my energy—"
Cilan turned to our direction and waved his arms around "—THANKS!"
People looked at Steven and he blushed a little, covering his face with his hand. I patted his shoulder and signaled Cilan to focus on the battle. Hau tapped my shoulder and I looked back.
"You've got awesome friends!" He said quietly.
"Thanks!" I winked and Emolga smiled like I'll electrocute you to show my friendliness later!
"Now Pansage use Bullet Seed!"
"Haxorus use Dragon Claw!"
Haxorus burst through the Bullet Seed with ease and allowed Pansage to do a flip on his head and hang on for his life.
"Now Pansage use Solar Beam!" Cilan clapped and smiled as Haxorus roared, falling to the ground and fainting, "YES!"
"Not so fast Cilan! I still have one last Pokémon!" Iris said, bringing out her Hydreigon again, "Here we go!"
It was sudden death between a confused Pokémon and a half health Pokémon. Wonder how that will work out.
"Go! Use Dragon Pulse!" Iris shouted.
Luckily for Iris, Hydreigon didn't let his confusion get to him and burst a Dragon Pulse X3 on our Pansage. Unluckily for Cilan, well, I just said what happened.

Wally's P.O.V:
After all this time I finally made it to Alola. And man have I been missing out. The air here was fresher than any place I ever went to and the theme was really cool. The downside was it was a frying pan in here.
I didn't care though. All I cared about was Hoenn and what Team Aqua might do to it when I'm here instead of there. Time to do a maximum search mode.
Altaria and I flew over all the four islands and didn't find any people who look suspiciously like my friends. I did spot some dude who almost made me go down there and ask if he was Cilan but it wasn't him.
This is going to be harder than I thought it would be...
I almost toppled off Altaria when I heard this sentence all together. I turned around and saw a big Stadium by the edge of the fourth Island. Wally my boy, you've just got your first lead.
Altaria flew with me onto the roof of the huge triangular-like stadium and I cautiously peered down to see what was happening. Sure enough, my friends were down there! I could see Iris and Haxorus and she was Battling Cilan and his Pansage!
"Yes Altaria! They really are down there!" I gasped, a smile on my face, "We found them! Gallade, Magneton, come on out!"
I threw my Pokéballs high and my Partner and Electric Type landed next to me, checking out the scene.
"They're down there! Look! Once the battles are over, we can finally tell them!"
Gallade paused and I looked at him nervously. Whenever I see that face on him, it always means something bad might happen.
Gallade shoved me out of the way as a net trapped him. A Team Aqua Grunt and none other than Archie stood before me. I knew it! They really were here!
"Well, well, well..."
He put a foot on Gallade's chest and I gasped and panted in fear, scooting backwards away from them on my butt. Altaria and Magneton stood infront of me in a defensive way and every time Archie slow clapped, he got closer to me.
"Look who decided to come snoop around on our plans," he continued.
"I-I KNEW IT! You guys are planning to hurt Amy aren't you?"
What I didn't know was that the battle stopped and everyone in the stands was looking around and scanning for the noise we were making.
"Ha! Hurt her? We would do worse than that but not right now! We only wanted her Z Crystal—Solganium Z—so she won't be able to stop us," he laughed and gave me an evil smile.
I had no idea what that meant but it sounded important and I wasn't going to stand by and watch them harm my best friend.
"The boss doesn't want anyone to interrupt or interfere so I guess you've got no more time on your hands," the grunt spat.
"Wh-wh-what?" I stammered.
"Goodbye, Weird Wally, I hope you live that fall," Archie snapped his fingers and his Crobat launched a gust of wind at me powerful enough to launch me right across the floor and out into the battle field.
Emolga's ears perked up and she screamed, looking up. Decidueye and Kartana made a ruckus and me and Steven shot to our feet.
Was that-? No way! It can't be! It was...
"WALLY?!" Me, Iris, Cilan and Steven roared in the same time.
His Altaria dove down from the roof and her beak snapped on Wally's hoodie, catching him and breaking his fall as he landed in the middle of the battle field.
"WALLY!" All of us yelled again.
"Oh GOD," Nanu snapped out of his trance and got up, staring down at the moaning Wally.
The Professor and his Rockruff yelped and I literally jumped the crowd and landed on my feet down to the arena and screeched to a halt next to him. I can't believe it! How did he get here?! When did he get here?!
How did he fall out of the sky like that?!
I looked up and on the roof, I made eye contact with a bearded man. He was tall and wore a coat twice my size. It was Aqua Archie. And he was here in the Alola.
I scowled and held back my doggy growl. If he was responsible for this, I'll make him wish he was never born.

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