Island Evacuation and the Attack of the Ultra Beasts

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After spreading word of a wild Kyogre on the loose, everyone around the Alola was in panic, making sure they run to the nearest flights out of this place. I played my part and yelled out word in Iki Town with Ilima and grabbed Sophocles and Wally from whatever they were doing to bring them to our little group.
Steven, Hala, Kukui, Hau, Cilan, Iris and Lillie were waiting for me. Wally panted and leaned back, breathing heavily and Sophocles fell in his butt panting. Ilima kept his breaths steady and Emolga shook my shoulder into concentration.
Oh brother, this was going to be a long day.
"Has everyone left?" Hala asked.
"Good here," Kukui nodded.
"Yup," Cilan told him.
"Uh-huh," Iris said.
"All clear," Steven crossed his arms of his chest and he looked at me, "So what now?"
Yes, but of course they look at me for an answer. This happens every time and I hated it. World Champion I'm good at, making plans is what might put us all in trouble.
I looked around and sure enough, everyone had their eyes on me.
"Okay, okay...uh, step one make sure everybody, and I mean everybody, off this place," I began.
"I'm on it," Ilima announced, taking off with Sophocles.
"Step two, putting Team Aqua under control," I continued.
"You've got it!" Wally confirmed, shooting through the crowds of people towards the cave where we last saw Team Aqua.
"Step three, all Kahunas ready to fight Kyogre if he gets out of control," I went on.
Hala opened his mouth to say something but I immediately said; "Hau!"
"Y-Yes!" He snapped up straight and tried to look responsible.
"I want you to go," I smiled, "You and your Gramps."
"W-What? Seriously?! Y-You're gonna let a loser like me—" he stammered.
"If someone earns himself Decidium Z, he's not a loser," I put my hand in his shoulder and shook some confidence in him, "I know you can do it. Go."
Hau looked stunned for a moment but then he shook his head and nodded bravely. Now, it was Kukui's turn to receive a job.
"Right Professor," I turned to him, "You and all of Aether Paradise need to go around. Somewhere out back where you could be safe. I want you to make sure that everything is Kyogre-proof and that everyone is ready to fight."
"I'll try to do my best," he said and ran off with his Lycanroc.
"What about me?" Steven asked.
"And me!" Lillie said.
"You two are coming with me," I told them, "And Cilan, Iris...wait for me here. See if you can help with the evacuation."
They nodded and Nebby gave a terrified 'PEW!' from his bag. It was still dusk and I knew if we can make it to the Altar of the Sunne in time, we can make it out with a Solgaleo.
Steven and Nebby looked at the Altar. I knew both of them refused but we have to do this so we'd finally have enough power against Kyogre. Lillie took out the Sun Flute and the Moon Flute, handing me one of them.
I had a vague idea of how this works.
We stood facing each other and Steven held Nebby in his arms, Rowlet still snoozing on his shoulder and Kartana whirled uneasily. Me and Lillie shared a nod and Emolga sat on my head as we started to play. It was pretty uneven at first since I had an off tune. But it started to get better until I was playing evenly like Lillie.
The pads we stood on glowed and Nebby closed his eyes, trying to absorb the power. Steven brought him closer to his chest and before I knew it, Nebby blasted out of Steven's arms like they were nothing. He didn't even give a warning either.
Like a literal shooting star, he let the golden rays circle him and evolved him to Solgaleo. I had to put an arm over my eyes and Lillie reached out for Nebby, screaming his name, and Steven wrapped an arm around her waist, not letting her get closer.
The feeling of the blast afterwards was like the feeling of being punched in the face by God. It was so powerful. And it hurt. Like, a lot.
Lillie was the first one to slowly get up and glance at Solgaleo. Nebby looked so powerful now, it was hard to believe this was a Cosmog a few days ago.
"Solgaleo..." she breathed, "No...Nebby! You remember me, right?"
Solgaleo sniffed at Lillie and licked her arm, smiling. Lillie looked relieved for a moment before she got serious again.
"Well Nebby, you do know the situation we're in. And you know that Amy is the only one with Solganium Z. I need you and her to work together and get rid of Primal Kyogre," Lillie explained, "Please."
Solgaleo—I mean Nebby—grunted and thought about it before walking to me and nodding. I nodded back and he let me put my hand on his fur to stroke it.
"OH GOD! NEBBY? IS THAT YOU?!" Steven shouted, getting up, "YOU LOOK AWESOME!"
Solgaleo's eyes lit with excitement and he bounced on Steven, knocking him down with a force, then started licking his face with affection.
Oh brother, here we go again.
Lillie giggled and I rolled my eyes. Something did make Solgaleo stop and it was pretty serious. It grabbed our attention too. Out of the portal above, something—someone—fell out. And it was a person we were looking for.
It was Guzma. Not only him. Lusamine too. They fell on their faces infront of us and they looked beat up as if someone walked up to them and whacked them with a baseball bat hard.
"Mother!" Lillie shrieked in fear.
"Lusamine?! Guzma?" Steven asked.
"You...children," she rasped, reaching out for me and Lillie, "Run away from here. Don't come back!"
"What? Why!" I said.
Then, out of the portal it came with darkness trailing behind it. Necrozma. And it looked more than pleased to be back here. Steven gasped and Rowlet woke up, Lillie didn't say anything and I clenched my fists.
Oh boy this is going to be crazy.
"What is that?!" Steven yelped.
"That's a monster," Lusamine coughed and Guzma gave a loud groan, "It'll kill you! Go!"
"I'm not running away this time," I said fiercely, "Emolga."
"Emo!" Emolga nodded.
"If you won't then I won't either," Steven confirmed.
"I'm going to avenge you Mother!" Lillie said confidently, "Hey you! Quit attacking the Alola you big...uh..."
"Snobby head," Steven suggested.
"YEAH THAT!" Lillie went on.
I tried to swallow hard so I wouldn't snicker but I have to admit, I couldn't help myself. Solgaleo roared and Necrozma directed its face towards him.
Without a warning, the two of them lunged and clashed together with a rush of Power. They started a sky fight and blasted at each other wave after wave. Necrozma was way too powerful and that means:
"NEBBYYYYYYYY!" Lillie screamed as Necrozma pinned him down.
It's claw went for Solgaleo's head and it clenched on him, turning him into the Dusk Mane Necrozma
Steven yelled out with rage and tried to tackle Necrozma himself only to get hit aside into me. Roaring, Dusk Mane Necrozma charged up the air and Ultra Wormhole after Ultra Wormhole popped up.
Four different Ultra Beasts shot through the air and landed with a bang infront of us. Let's see who our party poopers are:
Wow! We've got some difficult ones. Especially Guzzlord since he was the size of the Altar. Zeraora was not going to be happy when it sees that thing here.
Dusk Mane Necrozma walked into a Portal leading to the Ultra Space and I knew we had to follow.

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