Peridot: Hahaha!! Peridot: one! Destroyer: zero!!

Tara regained her composure and looked even more agitated.

Tara: ENOUGH!!!

She grew more vines and managed to grab everyone by surprise. The vines wrapped around each of them multiple times to keep them from escaping, leaving me to fight her. Tara then launched some vines towards me but I cut them off with mine. I thought it was a normal attack from her until I felt my neck grabbed by a vine. I was about to try and cut it off but she launched more vines and cut mine off quickly. She left me without vines and wrapped hers around me, not enough to poof me with her thorns but enough to keep me still. Now everyone was stuck. Tara laughed.

Tara: This many people and you still couldn't do anything!! Hahahaha!!! Pathetic!!

She then lowered herself towards me while bringing the others high enough to see us.

Tara: And now...

Tara then made another vine from her right hand which formed a thorn at the end, creating a drill. Her vines wrapped around me then split, showing my gem to her.

Tara: It's time to end you once and for all!!

I grew scared as she ascend higher into the air and readied her drill towards my gem. I guess this is the end. But before she could shoot her vine at my gem, something big and pink hit her and crashed into the ground. I grew surprised and looked where it came from. There was a small, thin pink line connected to what appeared a gloved him that hit Tara and landed on the ground meters away from us. I looked to what it was connected to and saw someone landing slowly to the ground. Spinel...

She landed in front of me and used offered her hand to me. I noticed Tara's vines loosened and let go of me and everybody else. I began getting out and grabbed Spinel's hand to get up.

Y/N: You came back.
Spinel: Yeah, well, I did it for them.
Y/N: Yeah, gotcha.

I was about to turn to the others but I heard Spinel speak softly.

Spinel: And I did it a bit for you...

I grew surprised and smiled softly. Spinel then began retracting her hand that hit Tara. Soon it retracted it back to its normal state to her. We then began walking to everybody who was getting out of the vines they were wrapped in.

Steven: I think we did it!!
Bismuth: I hope so.
Steven: And Spinel! You came back!
Spinel: Yeah, no problem or anything! Heh!

We then all turned to the crater Spinel created with her hand. All we saw was a massive pile of purple throned vines in it.

Y/N: You did a real number on Tara.

We all began walking towards the vines, happy it was over until vines shot from the crater and wrapped  themselves around all of us. We couldn't do anything as some vines began rising from the crater, falling off revealing Tara. Spinel looked towards her, nervous about the situation.

Tara:Well well well!! If it isn't the little toy that strayed Y/N off the wrong path!!

Spinel backed up in fear.

Tara: How did a no-good jester like you gain the attention of a destroyer? I don't know if it's an insult towards you or him. Either way...

I saw Tara rise up while her she retracted the vines in her hands while the ones on her boots kept us all restrained. Her hands then started glowing purple, all of us knowing what that meant.

Tara: It's time for you to die!!
Spinel: Why are you doing this!?
Tara: Because I can! But you had to take Y/N from me! And by taking him back, we'll be unstoppable!!
Lapis: Like you'll ever be able to!!
Tara: Shut it!

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon