Better or not?

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Steven's pov.

I would be lying if I said it would be easy to find Y/N but it seemed almost impossible to find him even through this empty planet. There's little to no life here and most rocks around here couldn't hide Y/N, so it should've been easy to find him. But I guess when you can go underground like he did before, anywhere can be a good place of hiding. Walking around this place was a little creepy, little life and the whole place seemed barren and dim. Not to mention the ongoing rain now beginning to pour down like a waterfall. But even with the weather inconvenience, I kept my pace and kept moving forward in hopes of finding Y/N and knowing the rest of this problem. No sign of him.... I know he's somewhere around! I hope.

Steven: 'Y/N where are you?'

I kept on walking around, trying to find at least a little sign of him. Walking.... walking.... and more walking...... I was beginning to think that maybe I should've went a different direction until I felt a slight rumble, not under me, but it felt like it was coming from up ahead. The rumble began to get louder and the ground began to shake more, signaling it was coming closer. The rumbling and shaking then felt like it was now circling around me. I didn't know whether it was Y/N or the other person, so I brought out my shield and tried to focus where most of the rumbling was resonating from. In just a few seconds, the rumbling, though I still kept my guard up. I tried to look around for any ambushes but it seemed that there was no sign of whatever the cause of the noise was. That was until I felt something swiftly immobilize me from under. I looked down and saw massive vines that came from the ground, spiraling and wrapping around me. I began to try and squirm my way out of the them, the vines only strengthening their grip with each second of me resisting. After a few more seconds of squirming, I noticed thorns popping out of the vines, spiraling around until they reached the tip of each vine. As they all popped out, I realized they only popped out of the outer part of the vines, making me safe of being pricked– Or stabbed from seeing how sharp the tips of them were. I grew a little scared but kept calm and kept my squirming until a voice made me freeze.

???: Hahahaha!!! Look at the so-called "savior of the galaxy" try to squirm away from death!! Hah!!!

Just that psychotic voice, made me freeze of a slight shock. She sounded like Y/N , just a bit of a higher pitched voice and less sanity. The vines turned me around by force, giving me a good look at the one who was causing trouble to Y/N. Long, purple, hair which looked messy. Sharp teeth which looked like they could bite through steel. Black petal-like collar, sharper, leaf-like ends on each side of her shirt. Black cloak covering the left side of her arm and torso. Sharp, black gloves and boots with vines coming from each end of them, and purple eyes with dark purple pupils that were incredibly small. And a sun-shaped gem on her chest, though it was purple instead of yellow. She looked like a more feminine version of Y/N, heck, she looks like the version of Y/N when he showed his past... Before I could take in anymore features, she began laughing, bringing me out of my state of observation.

???: What's with the staring? Scared?

She looked at me with a smug expression, I only kept my calm and began to try and speak.

Steven: Look, I don't know who you are, but you kinda have been doing some stuff to Y/N and–
???: Man, you talk too much. How about you ask a better question? Like, how many pieces am I going to chop you in? Haha!!

I could already tell she was bad news.

Steven: Look, maybe let me down and we can talk? Did something happen to you?...Was it something Pink Diamond did?...

I grew nervous at that last part as I didn't want to deal with another of my mom's problems that she left behind.

???: ....Pfffft Hahahahaha!!!!

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