Exploring Beach City

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The group makes their way back to back to beach city, to which Steven then turns to Y/N.

Steven: Alright, I'm going to try and find amethyst, try and not to get lost, spinel as well.
Y/N: Don't worry! She's my best friend after all, We'll just be looking around the place, take your time.
Steven: Alright, be careful.

With that, Steven then left with lion to look for amethyst. You turn to spinel, who is curiously looking around the place.

Y/N: Let's take a look around the place, shall we Spinel?
Spinel: Sure thing bestie!

Spinel then pointed somewhere.

Spinel: Oooh! What's that?

You looked to see a place with devices set down with controls, with people using them, having fun, you also looked to see kids rolling balls into holes with certain numbers on them.

Y/N: That seems like a good place to start!

You and spinel walked inside and decided to try one of the devices with controls, you both went up to one called 'meat beat mania', there were two sets of meaty looking objects, you got yours and gave the other set to spinel, you try using them, but nothing happened on the game.

Y/N: I don't think it's working.
Spinel: Maybe we need to hit it!
Y/N: Good idea! Try it!

Spinel then hit the screen with the set, only for the screen to break.

Y/N: I don't think it worked.

You looked around to see what the other people did to make them work, you then look to see a kid with a bunch of gold coins put them into a slot in a machine and it worked.

Y/N: We need those gold coins for them to work! We just need to find some, follow me spinel.
Spinel: Okay!

Spinel then got on your shoulders and you then went around looking for any, some seconds later and you found a few of them on one of the device boxes.

Y/N: Perfect!

You went up and picked them up, you looked around and saw the games with the holes again.

Y/N: Lets try that game! What do you say spinel?
Spinel: It sounds like fun! Hehe! I call first!
Y/N: Alright alright! Hehe!

You then went to them, right after, a kid came to the device you were at and looked at it.

Kid: Hey! Where's my coins?! Mooom!! My coins are gone!
Mom: I told you not to leave them there while you go to the bathroom!

You and spinel then stopped in front of the game and you inserted a coin into the slot, 4 balls then rolled in next to you,  spinel grabbed one and threw it at the holes, only for it to bounce back from the frame and hit you in the stomach.

Y/N: OW!
Spinel: Oh I'm so sorry Y/N! Are you okay?
Y/N: Yep....I'm fine....just need to recover....

You then got back up after a few seconds and looked towards the holes.

Y/N: Alright, how do they do it?

You looked at the others playing the same game and saw them rolling them towards the hole, one that particularly caught your attention was one kid who was on top of the holes and throwing the balls in.

Y/N: Aha! That's it!

You then did the same, you went over the holes and threw a ball in, to which some tickets came out of slot.

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Where stories live. Discover now