The Plan

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Location: Steven's house, Beach City.


Silence...It's been silent for a good two minutes since I came back. Once Steven let me in, I stood still next to the door as everyone looked at me wide-eyed. I slightly looked in everyone's direction, nervous to speak. Finally, a slight "ahem" from Bismuth to my right finally gave me a chance to muster up the courage to speak.

Y/N: So, uh, I-I probably have some explaining to do.
Steven: Yeah, you kinda do.
Peridot: Yeah! Why were you with the other destroyer!?
Y/N: Well–
Pearl: And why didn't you tell us sooner?
Y/N: I–
Amethyst: And what's with the look?

At this point, they were all asking questions at the same time. I grew more and more nervous just trying speak more than one word. Before I could be bombarded anymore by the questions, Steven went in front of me, slowly waving his hands in front of everyone.

Steven: Hey hey hey! Take it easy with the questions! One at time!

The rest seemed to finally stop speaking, bringing the silence back. I looked to Steven, muttering a small "thank you", to which he smiled and nodded. I stepped forward and spoke again.

Y/N: Alright, so where do I begin? Well, as for peridot's question, I was currently mid-battle with Tara until you guys came in.
Pearl: Then why didn't you tell us sooner? We could've helped.
Y/N: I didn't want you guys getting hurt!
Lapis: We aren't fragile, Y/N.
Y/N: I know you guys aren't, but she's ruthless! She's another destroyer!! You know how powerful she is!
Bismuth: Y/N is right, from what Y/N showed us long ago, she can take down anyone with ease.
Lapis: She can create vines and shoot a beam like Y/N, what's so hard to beat her?
Y/N: Well for starters, we can multi-task with those vines, meaning we can fight many opponents at the same time.
Amethyst: And how many have you fought at the same time?
Y/N: Hard to count when you're up against entire armies.

Amethyst went towards the fridge and brought out a juice box. She put in the straw and sipped a bit before looking back.

Amethyst: Cool. So what's with the look? Before, you were mainly green and yellow, now you're purple and black, not that I'm judging, I mean, I pull off that color scheme quite well if I do say so myself!
Y/N: I haven't used this form in so long. I changed to this form to increase my power to my sun beams. Though don't get me wrong, I don't like this form, gives me bad memories of the old days.
Pearl: So, how worried should we be about the other destroyer?
Y/N: Well, let's see here; Tara uses vines and uses sun beams like me, we're powerful enough to take down half of home world before being stopped if we're alone. So it's safe to say that she is incredibly dangerous. And it probably doesn't help that she is after this planet.
Steven: What does she want with earth?
Y/N:...Destroy it.
Lapis: Of course...
Amethyst: So how do we kick her butt?

The rest began to speak with each other, each one trying to come up with a good plan. I stuck behind, trying to hear everyone's ideas. While they kept rambling on, I thought I heard a warp from the dome above. Steven must've heard as well as he began to look up.

Steven: Someone used the warp, could be pink pearl or Spinel!

Everyone quieted down. A few seconds passed, but no sound.

Steven: Weird, I was sure the warp was used–

Before Steven could finish his sentence, Something crashed the roof and landed in front of all us. The dust went around the object, but soon faded, leaving a figure standing. Once we got a clear view of what was in front of us, I grew wide eyed as I saw Tara smiling psychotically at us.

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