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Y/N's pov

Spinel and I were walking back to the injector with the others following, we soon made,it to where the rest of the gems were.

Peridot: That is bad. We're hitting critical mass.
Steven: Then I guess we're just in time.

Peridot then looked back to where we were frightened.

Peridot: Aah! Steven! Destroyer! What's the status on Spinel?
Y/N: She's back to her old self and she's here to stop this thing!

I then looked at Spinel and turn your eyes to the injector and back to her, signaling to her if she can stop it, spinel got the message and nodded, she turned her finger into a horn once again and commands the injector to remove itself from the ground, to which everyone cheered.

Connie: Okay. Can someone fill me in?

I turned to the girl next to Steven, she then took notice of you.

Connie: Who's he?
Steven: I'll explain later, anyways, Thanks, Spinel.
Spinel: Aw, gee. What are friends for?
Steven: Okay. We've almost cleaned up this mess. Now, all we need are Garnet's memories and my powers, and we can all get back to living happily ever after. What could work for Garnet? Something about fusion... something about love...
Spinel: What about me?
Steven/ Y/N: Huh?
Spinel: Is that all you needed me for? To turn off my injector?
Steven: What? No! Well... sort of, but-
Spinel: Well, what now? I-I-I did what you wanted. That's it?
Steven: Well, yeah. We can just... forget this whole thing ever happened.
Y/N: Yup! What's the damage? just some land partially destroyed and void of most organic life here, hehe.....uh...okay I'm not helping am I?
Spinel: How you gonna forget with me around? I'm the source of all your problems. Don't pretend you want me here. What's your plan for me, huh? You gonna put me somewhere? You gonna leave me somewhere? You gonna leave me alone?!
Steven: Spinel...
Y/N: Hey, calm down Spinel, it's alright, you're not being abandoned again, here, maybe some memories will help?

I got closer to spinel to try and hug her, only for her to panic and push me, resulting in hitting Steven who was behind me, making him fall and drop the rejuvenator that was in his pocket, Spinel noticed it, the other gems backed away from it while garnet came up to it.

Garnet: Oh! What's this?
Steven: Garnet! Don't touch that!

Garnet turned it on the moment Steven took it, though none were hit by it.

Spinel: Why do you have that?
Y/N: Oh no...
Steven: I-I was just carrying it. I-I didn't have anywhere else to put it.
Y/N: Look spinel, this looks bad, but I swear bestie, that this is NOT what it looks like!
Spinel: "We can just forget this ever happened"? "This is not what it looks like"!? You mean I can just forget this ever happened! Hahahahaha! Wow! What a plan! I turn off the Injector, and then the moment my back is turned, Bam! Presto! Change-o! Problem solved! Well, think again. You're not getting rid of me that easy.

Spinel then creates and blows into the horn, commanding the injector to smash into the ground, once doing so, parts of the crust were elevated or brought down, I immediately got out of the way, and tried to run for some cover, only for a few drops to drop onto my back.

Y/N: Argh!

I fell immediately and started to squirm in pain, I put my hand on my back after a bit, my back was burned, but not majorly damaged. I got back up and decided to find where spinel was to try and reason with her, I started to move and looked around, until I saw her with Steven and garnet, garnet being currently held by spinel.

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Where stories live. Discover now