A strange beginning

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In a garden, were two gems, spinel, a sort of jester, made for fun, and pink, a diamond. they were happy, always playing each other, joking around and such. Yet, pink had gotten pretty annoyed with spinel over time, especially when she was given a colony...

Pink: hey spinel, here in the garden, let's play a game, I'll show you how it's done.

Pink kneels down to spinel's height, spinel still being as happy as ever, but intrigued.

Pink: here in the garden, stand very still
Spinel: this will be so much fun!

Pink smiled, making spinel much more happy inside, and soon, pink walked away, up the stairs, onto the pad, all the while spinel was there, happily waiting, happily watching her drift away as pink soon teleported out of the garden...

One hundred years later....

Spinel was waiting, still trying to play the 'game'...

Spinel: 'Man, this game is calming to say the least, hopefully I win, or my best friend, either way makes me smile!'

While thinking, something was crash landing behind her, and soon landed far away, spinel was confused, but decided to ignore it as she thought pink would come back and deal with it. But soon she heard a voice from the distance...

???: Huh, not too bad of a landing.

Spinel was confused, she turned her head around and soon saw a gem, but looked strangely weird, it looked different as it less feminine and looked to be a male, they had (h/c) (h/l) and (e/c), they had green both dark and light clothing, brown shoes, and had orange flower petals around the collar of the neck of the clothing, and on the chest, a yellow gem the shape of a sun, spinel was intrigued.

???: Hm, not bad of a place, this seems like a goo- oh, hi! Who are you?

Spinel was still trying to figure the gem out, but soon spoke

Spinel: I'm spinel! At your service, who are you?
Y/N: I'm Y/N! Sorry to intrude but is it alright if I stay here? I'm kinda in a pickle!
Spinel: sure! Pink won't mind I think, plus you can in on the game with us if you want!
Y/N:pink is here!? Yeah, sure, she should be able to let me, we are good friends!!!
Spinel: y'know her? I've never seen you, considering I'm with her pretty much all the time!
Y/N: just some times we talked but don't worry about that, anyways what's the game?
Spinel: pink said it's a waiting game, we have to stand very still! Care to join friend??
Y/N : sure, sounds fun!!

Y/N soon stood next to spinel

Y/N: you're on!!!

Spinel smiled more.

Spinel: By the way, you look different than most gems, what are you?
Y/N: Don't worry about, for now, it's game on!!

And from there, they were friends, they would joke around and talk, but mostly, they stood still, spinel soon considered Y/N as another best friend, if pink wasn't with her, she knew she could go to Y/N, her other, new best friend.

3900 years later.....

Spinel and Y/N were still standing completely still, waiting, when Y/N finally spoke up...

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Where stories live. Discover now