Sector 347B

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Y/N's pov.

I felt myself opening my eyes and slowly lifting myself up. I began to look around to see we were still in Spinel's room, it was a little hard to see since it was pretty dark, but I still managed to make out the room and my current situation. I looked to my right to see Spinel lying next to me, and while her body was resting on the bed, her arms still hugged my chest. I was going to lie back down and rest but then I saw a shine to my left. I looked to see the sword bismuth forged for me lying on the wall near the door.
I then began to think to myself.

Y/N: 'I could probably go try my new weapon out. I'll just test it out on a corrupted gem and I'll be back before I make Spinel worry!'

I then gently grabbed Spinel's hands and took them off my chest and placed them next to her. I then got up from the bed, grabbed my sword and opened the door. I was about to walk out before I stopped on instinct. I looked back to Spinel, some doubt in me that I would make it back before she woke up. I shook my head, trying to gain confidence before walking back to the bed and going close to her. I then slowly went to her cheek and kissed her there before making my way out the house and to the warp pad.

Y/N: 'Still weird to do that, but I won't complain, it feels nice.'

I then got to the warp pad and began to think of any planets the crystal gems and I may have have visited. I thought back to the planets I visited when I was still a war machine for the diamonds and then remembered one. The planet wasn't very habitable to humans since there was not atmosphere, but there was a small fleet of gems that went rogue, a couple hundred of them, so I was sent with a small group of amethysts to take them out. Though during the battle, a rebel had some luck because they managed to hit my gem, cracking it severely. Due to this I was sent back and the diamonds used their powers to finish the rebels off. Luckily this was a time where pink and I talked, so she secretly fixed my gem, much to the questioning of the other diamonds. There could have been survivors, so I hoped there could still be some gems to save. The planet didn't have much of a name per say, more of a sector since it was named "sector 347B". After taking them out I began to try and warp there, hoping this had coordinates to it. It seemed to work as I soon warped, taking a minute or so before I had finally arrived. The place looked so much nicer than before. There seemed to be an atmosphere now, though I could still see some stars and a planet above, but good to see some progress on the planet. Last time I was here, the planet was mainly black with no organic life, but because of the atmosphere, there seemed to be life growing now, small purple bushes with leaves curling inward. There was now grass that was growing in some parts of the now brown ground with a few plants growing here or there. In the distance there was an ocean which lead to a small stream nearby, along with a massive forest farther ahead in the distance. Next to the river, there was a large animal near it. I looked closer to see that it was corrupted gem, it was on all fours and showed a grey color with blue spots around it. I began to make my way towards the gem without alerting it. Once close enough, I readied my sword and leaped towards it. The corrupted noticed me and dodged, their mane only being slightly cut. I landed and faced the gem once again. The gem roared and charged me, so I readied myself once again and charged as well. The gem pounced but failed as I managed to slip past under him. I took the chance to try and stab their left hind leg and stabbed them successfully. The gem let out a massive whine before poofing,
Leaving a gem to fall to the floor.

Y/N: Easy!

The gem was grey with blue spots on it. The gem also took the shape of a sharp triangle. I walked up to the gem and kneeled down to grab it, only for a massive vine to hit it from the right, causing the gem to fly out into the air.

Y/N: NO!

Each second it grew farther away until it was nowhere in sight. I looked to the right to see...Tara...

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