Reforming and saving

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Three weeks. Three weeks you were still trying to heal so you can reform. Over the course of it all, Spinel wouldn't do much, she would mostly just stay in the house at the garden, watching your gem, waiting for you to finally finish healing and reform. At most when she was convinced, she would try to to hang out with Steven and the others gems, only to worry about you again even more and go back to waiting, watching, and listening for any sign of you coming back. She was currently in Steven's house playing charades with the others.

Garnet: A bird.
Steven: How'd you know?
Amethyst: It's not that hard to tell considering you're flapping your arms like one.
Steven: Alright, you got me. Want to try Spinel?
Spinel: Uh, Sure!

Spinel got up while Steven sat down with the others and began to think of what to do. She then decided to extend her arms to the side and did U-turns and made what looked like supports on the bottom.

Connie: Oh! Is it a bridge?
Spinel: Bingo!!
Connie: Yes!
Steven: Alright: You're turn Connie!

Connie got up and began to think of what do to while Spinel sat down. Steven noticed that Spinel frowned and decided to sit next to her.

Steven: Hey, you still worried about Y/N?

Spinel only nodded.

Steven: Don't worry, he'll be back, just a bit more time and he'll good as new! Just trust in your best friend, he's bound to be back any day now!

Spinel only gained a pained expression, to which Steven noticed.

Steven: Was it something I said?
Spinel: Please don't say best friend....
Steven: Why? Did something happen?
Spinel: No, it's just...

Steven noticed Spinel beginning to blush.

Steven: Oh! Are you two a thing?
Spinel: What do you mean?
Steven: You know, like what Garnet has, well, Ruby and Sapphire specifically.
Spinel: I'm still confused.
Steven: Are you guys in love is what I'm trying to say.
Spinel: Of course! We're friends after all!
Steven: No, I mean love as in you both are in a relationship, y'know, the kissy, intimate kind.
Spinel: Like you, Connie and the ground?
Steven: Wait what?
Spinel: You do kiss the ground, well before.
Steven: the ground was to fix it from its dying state and we'll talk about that later, but are you two in an intimate relationship?
Spinel: As in what?
Garnet: When you want to be with that one person romantically.

The two look to see Garnet sitting with them.

Garnet: What I mean is, when you want to have a stronger relationship. it's like loving someone, except that the both of you are closer than friends and best friends, you want to be even closer to them, and enjoy their presence and stick by them more, in my words.
Spinel: I see, well what do I do? Do I tell him? Do I do what Steven does with Connie and the ground? Kiss?
Garnet: Kissing, and other things like that, are for when they accept your proposal in being more than just friends and best friends in this matter, so you need to ask Y/N if he wants to accept that.
Spinel: How?
Steven: Well, just ask him when he's back, it's simple!
Spinel: What if he doesn't accept? Does that mean we're not friends anymore? I don't want to lose another best friend!-
Steven: Woah woah woah, hey, it's alright! For one, if he doesn't accept, then it means he just wants to stay as best friends, I hope. And two, he doesn't seem like he'll ever want to leave you, you both enjoy each other's company a lot! You could give marshmallow and he'd probably still say yes!
Spinel: I don't know....
Steven: Then...I got it!! We can set up a date for you two?
Spinel: A date?
Steven: Well, yeah! It's when two people who like each other a lot go out and do stuff together, well, it also works with friends, but still! We can set up, and you two can hang out without any distractions! that way, at the end, you can tell him how you feel, and if he accepts, you guys can be, not best friends anymore, but what you and probably him want, a couple!
Spinel: A what?
Steven: Another word for for two people who are a thing.
Spinel: Oh. Well, you sure it'll work?
Steven: Of course! What do you think garnet?

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