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It was dark, that was all you could see, maybe something happened? Maybe poofed?  Either way, still pretty dark- wait! No, never mind, you were just asleep. You began to open your eyes and looked to see that you were in your room, with Spinel next to you on the bed, holding you with her arms wrapped around you multiple times. You wondered why you were here until you remembered everything that happened. You were here after the whole situation with that new gem who pretty much threw you around like a rag doll. You looked at Spinel, who also had the idea of sleeping as well.

Y/N: 'Guess I was out for a while.'

You began to move her arms out of the way, little by little her arms began to untangle the more you moved until you were finally free, surprisingly, her arms didn't revert to normal, they just stayed extremely long. You got up from your bed and began slowly make your way to the door. You slowly turned the knob while checking to see if Spinel was waking up and opened the door, to which you felt a sudden weight fall on top of you the moment you turned away from your room, making both you and whatever had just decided to get on you fall to the ground. You landed with a loud thump, you tried to get up, only to have a set of pink arms wrap around you again. You, with the help of the arms, began to turn to meet Spinel, awake and with a concerned yet upset face.

Spinel: You never answered my question, why did you leave and try to fight against corrupted gems by yourself?!
Y/N: Well, to prove a point, that I can be useful and that I'm not weak, I thought that by doing that, I could be able to gain the ability to join you guys and deal with the corrupted gems as well.
Spinel: But you can't just do that that! You were poofed so easily last time and you don't have your old abilities anymore! And when Amethyst told us about what you were trying to do, I was furious, more so I was scared! For all we knew you probably would've been shattered! We don't let you join because we care about you, because we want you to be able to still do stuff, not because we just think you're weak! Do you understand?

You nodded while looking away, afraid of looking in Spinel's concerned gaze. Spinel just sighed.

Spinel: ...Garnet, Steven and I talked about it while you were gone, and we came to an agreement.

You slowly looked towards Spinel.

Spinel: You can join us on missions...

You grew wide eyed, a smile beginning to surface on your face.

Spinel: BUT! You need to stick with us at all times and you need to be behind one of us when in battle, alright?!

You nodded very fast, to which Spinel just smiled slightly and began to unwrap herself from you, both of you getting up from the floor.

Spinel: By the way, what happened back there? You were crying so much, did I accidentally set you off?

You remembered about Tara, you couldn't tell her or any of the others about her since she'll probably make you regret it for going back on that little agreement of hers. You just had to make it up.

Y/N: Well, I was fighting a corrupted gem and I almost got poofed, but I managed to barely beat it?
Spinel: Then where is it's gem?
Y/N Oh! Uh, well I was in so much of a panic from the fight I guess I ran back here without getting the gem.

You smiled nervously, hoping she would buy the stupid excuse you had just pulled out of your own-

Spinel: Hmm, alright, just be more careful next time then, alright?

The lie worked apparently.

Y/N: Yeah, will do!
Spinel: Now, remember that conversation? When you said I could have you for the entire day next time?
Y/N: Yeah?
Spinel: Well, I'm going to use that today, SO, we got a lot of fun planned ahead, what do ya say?

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Where stories live. Discover now