Chapter 56: Day of the Departed

Start from the beginning

At that moment, the villains begin their attack on the Ninja all around Ninjago. With help from Eyezor and Zugu, Chen uses his dinosaur mech to attack Kai and Nya, who flee on the Raider Bikes. Cryptor and three Nindroids confront Zane in the snowy forest. Meanwhile, Samukai fights Jay as Krazi and Frakjaw apprehend his parents, and Pythor fights Lloyd and holds the latter's mother captive. Kozu and several Stone Swordsmen confront Dareth, who was responsible for taking control of the Stone Army.

Wu gets a bad feeling as Morro confronts him, though Wu is pained at having to fight his former student again, he states that he won't hesitate to do it again. However, Morro reveals he really has no intention of revenge; instead he tells Wu of Yang's plan and they set off to reunite the Ninja.


The Overlord arrives on the dark island to see his two kids sitting together. He sighs and just smiles. He walks over to them.

Aria felt a hand on her shoulder "Can I join you kids?"

Aria and Zero turned around fast to see their father.

Aria and Zero turned around fast to see their father

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"hey kids" the Overlord smiled

"papa.." Aria stared at him

"Dad" Zero said surprised

Aria stood up and got in a fighting position

"woah woah woah no need for that my dear" the Overlord put his hands up "I'm not here to fight.. I just simply came to spend this night with my kids"

"really?" Aria relaxed a bit

The Overlord smiled and sat on the beach next to Zero, he patted the empty spot next to him. Aria smiled a bit and sat next to her father. She laid her head on his shoulder and he patted her head.

"I'm so proud of you two"


Back at the Temple of Airjitzu, Cole breaks free and makes his way up through the temple after escaping his captors, fighting Yang's students along the way as Yang opens the Rift of Return. One by one, the Ninja defeat all the revived villains, except Pythor, who flees after realizing he can't win his fight. In the meantime, Yang does Airjitzu to reach the Rift, but Cole stops him, and a fight breaks out between them.

The Ninja reunite at the museum, telling each other what happened before Wu arrives with Morro, who the Ninja prepare to attack but Wu stops them and Morro proves his innocence by unveiling Yang's plan and how the Ninja forgot Cole. The Ninja journey to Yang's temple while Morro's spirit peacefully returns to the Departed Realm. Cole battles Yang as the Ninja fly over on the Bounty. Yang soon overpowers Cole and mocks him as being another forgotten ghost. 

However, with his friends approaching and calling out to him, Cole's heightened vigor makes his arms rock-solid, and with them, he shatters the Yin Blade. This act frees Yang's students from his control, while Cole tells them to cross through the Rift, and after they do they become human again. Yang admits he failed his students and wanted to live forever so no one would forget him, to which Cole says he'll be remembered as the creator of Airjitzu.


The Overlord looks down at his disappearing hand "It looks like my time is almost up"

Zero stood up "then I guess it's time for me to get going"

"Don't you want to spend some more time with dad?" Aria questions

Zero smiles "I think you and dad should spend some time together, I'll see you next year"

With that Zero got on his boat and headed away from the Dark Island.

"Aria" the Overlord called out and she turned to look at him " you know you're my favorite right, even as mean as it might sound, you are my favorite child. That's why i could only ask you to carry this burden of my powers, because you are my favorite and most trusted... Aria my daughter... you are my soul... my everything... tonight I can leave in peace once again cause I know you are making the right choices for yourself, my cursed child"


Cole persuades Yang to accompany him through the rift. Together, they ascend towards the Rift, but Yang tells Cole that someone has to remain in the temple as a ghost to be the "master of the house" due to the curse. Yang then decides to settle his own "debts" and launches the confused Cole through the Rift, just as it starts to close. 

The shockwave of the Rift closing causes Destiny Bounty to have a hard landing at the Airjitzu temple. The Ninja get off the ship.

"Is everyone all right?" Misako asks

"Nothing that tightening a few screws can't fix" Zane answers

Lloyd stands up "I'm okay, but where's Cole?"

Jay looks worried "Oh, no"

"Did he make it?" Nya questions

"He was too late... He's gone forever.. I'd give anything to have him back" Jay whines


"Anything" Jay repeats

Cole jumps out from behind a boulder, a human again "Even the Sonic Raider Jet?"

"Cole!" The ninja embrace him.

"You're back!" Jay shouts happily

Lloyd smiles "You're not a ghost anymore"

"hey guys look" Kai points to the temple

Wu sighs "The Temple of the Airjitzu Master has been returned to its original condition"

"It's beautiful" Zane admires it

"That would be a pretty cool place for a Ninja to train..." Cole looks up at the eclipse "you know speaking of ninja.. their's one missing right now who shouldn't be alone"


Aria stands on the beach alone looking up at the yin-yang eclipse. She feels an arm wrap around her and she turned to see Lloyd and the rest of the ninja next to him.

"guys.." Aria looked at them surprised "how did you know I was here?"

"you go every year" Misako replies "of course we'd know"

"we've all lost people close to us" Kai says

Cole nods "and just because your father was evil-"

"-doesn't mean that he and your mother don't deserve to be remembered" Jay finished

"We're here for you Aria, you are our sister" Zane smiles

"And you're part of our family" Wu adds

Lloyd hugs her "we'll always be here for each other"

Aria starts to cry as the other ninja join in the group hug, the Overlord stood away from the group watching them as his body faded away, he smiled and turned away take care my daughter.

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