Chapter 55: Goodbye! Till we meet again (Finale)

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Seimei: Why aren't you drained by now!

Y/n: Let me go!

Seimei continued absorbing but got more and more irritated at the fact he had been doing this for more than three minutes and Y/n only now started to look drained.

Seimei: There's no way anybody has so much chakra! Unless y-

Choji's human boulder took down the sharks. Shikamaru quickly caught his fellow teammate.

Shikamaru: You okay?


Shikamaru: Questions later.

Temari unties the part of the shark that was wrapped around Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks

Y/n stood back

Choji: Where's our thanks!

Y/n: Oh, Thanks guys.

Choji: Much better.


Seimei: Who are you people?

Shikamaru: We are the Genin from the hidden leaf and the Chunin from the Sand.

Shikamaru nodded at Y/n who smiled and stepped forward.

Y/n: Together! We are Team Return the FLAVOUR!

Shikamaru: It's team return the favour!

Y/n: Flavour favour at the end of the day it's the same thing.

Shikamaru: Your such a drag.

Seimei: A problem always has a Solution.

Everyone: !!!

Seimei: Kujaku Hurricane Release

A Hurricane started twirling towards the group.


Choji expanded his size and blocked the attack but it broke through blowing everyone back.

But like true leaf ninja's they all stood back up.

Kankuro: Y/n you fought him any tips?

Y/n: We can't use chakra against him because his going to absorb it with ease.

Shikamaru: Fine then, Strategy 6

Y/n: Strategy six?

Shikamaru: The Kunai one.

Y/n: Oh yeah!

Shikamaru and Y/n ran around Seimei and started throwing many many kunai's.

Seimei: That won't work you even have poor range!

Y/n and Shikamaru jump back.

Y/n: Fire style: Flame Bullet Jutsu!

The bullets all aim for the ground.

Seimei: You missed again!

Shikamaru: Look again.

Seimei: !!!

The bullets touched the kunai's which are later revealed to be paper bomb kunai's. They all generate an explosion huge enough to reach Seimei.

The dust cleared and Seimei was still up.

Y/n: New duo! Shika-Maki

Shikamaru: I hope that doesn't catch on.

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