Chapter 6: There Were Two

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Villager: Three, two, one!

The villagers begin singing again.

Y/n: I hate this, I hate this.

Kurenai: Not all missions are enjoyable.

Y/n: I know but that damn kid!

Shino:... Impressive how I child is able to anger you like this...

Y/n: Child? His a brat!

Kurenai: Same goes for you three.

The three turned over to their sensei confused as she laughed.

Y/n: I'm ignoring that. Are we almost there?

Shino: .... We've been walking for a day and a couple of hours now, I'm sure we're almost there....

Y/n: Great guess.

Kurenai: You know, this could be a good way for you guys to bond together.

Hinata: Together?

Y/n: Didn't we do that?

Kurenai: Yes, but that was training it wasn't meant to make you guys friends, it was only meant to help you guys work together. This may be a mission but it's also a perfect way for all of you guys to bond.

Y/n, Shino and Hinata stare at each other.

Squad Eight: Aren't we friends already?

One of the villagers for a random reason pulled Y/n toward a river of water.

Villager: Look an ocean!

Y/n: That's a river.

Villager: They say in oceans that look like rivers there are big fish.

Y/n: That's a river, your just an idiot.

Villager: Don't believe me? Look!

Y/n: ....sure

Y/n sighed and walked over to the river. He lowered he's head down and looked at the river for a second or two and nothing happened.

Y/n: Yep! He was an idiot.

Y/n started walking toward everyone, from behind him a big fish jumped out and when he turned around the fish was gone.

Y/n: My mind is playing with me.

He quickly ran towards everyone else since he was so far back.

Kurenai: How close do you believe we are from your village?

Villager: I don't know.

Two hours of walking passed and everyone stopped to rest. The fire was there and some were getting ready to sleep since the sun went down. The others started singing and dancing around for fun, Y/n was sitting at the fire holding his ears trying to block the sound of the singing villagers off, Hinata sat besides him lightly humming her own lyrics to negate the sound.

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