Chapter 2: Squad Introduction

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{In the village

After departing from school, Y/n took Hinata along as they went on to search for their Sensei. During their walk only one wrong thing happened, and that was; Y/n was leading the charge.

Y/n: Uh??? I think we're supposed to go this way.

Hinata: O-okay.

Y/n: Anyway, while we're heading to our destination, since we're teammates we should bond you know?

Hinata: Y-you know?

Y/n: Yeah, someday we're gonna be like elite ninja's we can't be strangers to one another.

Hinata: ....right....

There was a moment of silence through two minutes of the walk. Y/n had thought Hinata would have spoken, but apparently she was waiting for him to speak. This he caught on to later, and sighed when he realized.

Y/n: What kind of food do you enjoy?

Hinata: I-

Y/n: I like soup, it's great, it's full on liquid with no interferences with; some bitter noodles or some shell bits added, you know

Hinata: Yeah.

Y/n: Speaking of bonding, who do you think Shino is?

Hinata: S-shino is the-

Y/n: Can't wait to meet him, he seems like a chill guy especially since I've never met him before.

Hinata: Bu-

Y/n: Hey come to think about it, I don't really know the names of most of the other children in our class, like that boy who pushed Sasuke and Naruto to kiss, like hell I know his name.

Hinata: N-naruto.

Y/n: Yeah, Naruto and Sasuke.

Hinata: Do you know Naruto well?

Y/n: Not that well, sure we're kinda- well were basically like those people who are like, I think his my friend but I don't know if he sees it like that.

Hinata: Oh.

Y/n: That's a real weird question to ask, it reminds me of the time Ino asked me if I had seen that Sasuke guy and how cool he was and all the stuff. We were like really young and I remember myself just getting mad everytime she would point out how smart he is compared to me. Like I know I'm not the smartest of people but?

Hinata: Your not?

Y/n: Yeah I know I'm not.

Hinata: No, no, I mean-

The two both stop in front of a wall, showing that they were going the wrong way.

Y/n: We- lost.

Hinata: I-

Y/n: C'mon I think I know where we went wrong-

Lady: Hey you kids need help?

Y/n instinctively got onto the defensive side, and stretched out his arm to guard Hinata who stood behind his stretched out right arm. He glared at the person seriously.

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