-Mr. Loverman.

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Sorry for not Uploading. Love you guys. Btw Requests are still open :)

TW: Suicide Attempt, self-harm, sexual assault

It had only been a month since the incident, but it still plagued Lance's mind day after day. He seemed to be drowning constantly and couldn't find a way out, and yet every-time anyone would try to save him he'd pull away. He wanted the help so bad and yet he couldn't seem to accept it. He was afraid. Terribly afraid of what everyone would think of him.

He looked to his arm with a wistful gaze, running his fingers across the ragged dark lines. He leaned his head back, allowing the warmth of the water to envelop him. Oh how badly he wished to rid the feelings of the hands that marked his body as their own, how badly he wanted himself back. Hot tears formed in his eyes as he let out a shaky gasp. The memories were so vivid in his mind.

He tucked his body inwards, letting the hot water fall into his knotted hair and add to the already quickly filling tub. His body shook as he clutched wads of hair in his hands. With his eyes wide he rocked back and forth, the water sloshing against him grounding him to realize that he was home, to remind him he was safe with his lovers.

Or at least that's what he wanted to believe.

Keith plopped on the couch with a sigh, leaning his head back into his lover's lap.

"What's wrong Dove?" Lotor places his beverage on the side table, stroking Keith's hair to comfort him.

"I'm worried about Lance. He's been acting weird ever since that party, but whenever I try to bring it up, he pushes me away." Keith looked up at Lotor with a sorrowful gaze. His eyes were hard, yet Lotor noticed the slight shifts— admiring his lover's facial frame. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the other's nose before sitting him up and pulling him into his lap. He sighed.

"I know. I am too." He moved back to allow Keith to shift in his arms. "We'll talk to him when he gets out the shower. Okay?" Keith nodded, laying back into Lotor's chest.

It was about an hour later, Keith asleep on Lotor and the latter nearly asleep as well when he got a sudden feeling in his gut. He shook his partner awake who mumbled incoherent words before noticing the look of concern on his face. A sudden thud sounded through the house— specifically from the upstairs bathroom. Both were up and barreling up the stairs before you could blink. When the two realized the door was locked, panic ensued. At least for Lotor— Keith, on the other hand, almost instantaneously used his boots to send the door flying from off of its hinges.

The sight before them was one no lover would ever wish to see. Lance was on the floor, a towel wrapped hastily around his body as he laid on his side. From what could be seen beneath the rag, was an unnerving amount of simply bone, and they both felt guilt for not noticing earlier. But what made them feel even worse were the scars— the blood. It seemed like it was everywhere, smearing on the marble tiled floor as his arm twitched oh-so-gently.

Both parties rushed to his side at once, Keith scrambling to pull out his phone and shakily dialing 911 with tears in his eyes and Lotor tried to stop the bleeding. Lance's eyes fluttered open, turning to Lotor with an empty expression.

"Why?" Lotor used one hand to cup Lance's cheek.

Lance simply smiled, turning to look at the ceiling. "I see light." His eyes closed. His smile remained.

It seemed like an eternity waiting for the ambulance to come, but luckily they'd arrived just in the nick of time. The two now sat at their fiancées' hospital bed with solemn looks on their faces. Albeit Keith having had his face in his hands as he wiped his already irritated face yet again. Red patches formed on his face as he sighed, exasperated. Lotor pulled him closer, a protective hold over the other.

There was a slight shift in the bed and neither thought anything of it until there was a pained grown. Both looked up hopefully to see a surprisingly tired Lance looking back at them with droopy eyes.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Keith's arms flew around the other as carefully as possible. "H-how long have I been out?" He croaked. Lotor called for a nurse to bring him some water. "A few days— I'm so glad you're okay." Keith let out a sigh of relief. Lotor reached out and grabbed Lance's hand. He rubbed his thumb across the bandaged flesh, sighing. "...Why?" His saddened golden eyes locked with those ocean blue eyes he had missed waking up to. Lance's face was straight, unreadable. He bit down on his lip harshly, moving to sit himself up properly.

"The party."

It went silent for a moment. "I-I don't know I just— there was uh, this guy and he kept bothering me. I kept telling him to leave me alone— he was obviously pretty drunk." Lance swallowed harshly, avoiding the concerned glares from his lovers by admiring his fingers.

"Uh— w-when I went to the bathroom, he had followed me. I didn't see it coming— I was washing my hands and he came up behind me and grabbed me and h-he— he—" Lance choked on his words, gripping onto his arms and likely reopening a few cuts as he gasped for air. He heaved slightly and Lotor scrambled to the other side of his bed and hold him the same as Keith in the opposing side.

"Why didn't you tell us my love?" Lotor grasper his hand, pulling it to his lips and pressing the cool diamond ring he still had on for whatever reason against his lips.

"I-I thought you'd be mad.."

"No, no, never. We love you, something like that isn't your fault." Keith strokes his face, frowning at the slight flinch Lance assumes had gone unnoticed. Lance looked away in embarrassment, his eyes welled with tears and he sniffles before Lotor pulled his face towards the himself, wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"God, i love you both so much." He sobbed out, a slight chuckle forced in his voice. Lotor grinned smugly as he climbed into bed with the patient, pulling his head into his chest. "We love you too, Kitten."

Hihi sorry this was bad I'm falling asleep n just rlly wanted to post oops—okay so um,, what other stories should I write? Like fandom wise! I wanna make a one-shot book for like,, Max from camp camp or smth but idk what you guys r into so suggestions would b nice 😳 I'll def write more stuff in my Deku book tmrw too!

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