- lovesick, or just sick?

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I couldn't think of a good title whoops
but i do be thinking about sick lance tho..
[uhh,, sick stuff warning]


Lance never liked taking medicine or staying in one place when he was told to, so that's why his boyfriends always had to find out he was sick through catching him puking or passed out on a floor somewhere. Unfortunately for them, it happened to be one of those days. Well, actually, for a few days now Lance had felt nauseous. He'd had headaches, a stuffy nose, vomited an unhealthy amount. It was some sort of witchcraft how he managed to be okay in front of both his lovers and not one bit of suspicion had arose.

Lance has been down in the kitchen making a meal for him and his lovers before the ground was suddenly hurdling for him at full speed and yet fading to black even quicker.

Lotor ran his hand through Lance's hair, the curls wrapping around his fingers like a cobra to its meal. Keith lay on the opposite side of the sick Cuban. His hand was rested on Lance's chest. The TV was on and the conscious males both lay awake, extremely focused on the show and yet they comforted their lover as if it were second nature to them. Lance's eyes fluttered open and he groaned before reaching up to wipe the exhaustion from his eyes.

"Hello, sleeping beauty." Lotor cooed as he placed a loving kiss to Lance's forehead and sighing. Keith continued to stroke Lance's chest. He turned to look and saw only a mass of jet black hair looking back at him. "How long?" His voice was dry and gravely.

"A few hours." Keith sat up and made his way downstairs, causing Lance to roll over into Lotor's chest.

"Taking care of you is like taking care of a toddler who doesn't care what you have to say and just wants to go to the park even though there's some type of horrible thing going on there." Lotor pulled him closer, looking directly into Lance's tired eyes. Lance smiled before turning to cough into his sleeve— which now happened to be a large T-shirt of Keith's he enjoyed stealing from the other.

When Keith had come back to the room Lotor positioned Lance into a sitting position to allow him to eat. In the bowl, was basic chicken soup. Lance didn't complain, he had two boyfriends who also happened to be very good chefs— so he was fine with eating whatever as long as it wasn't any sort of icky medicine.

He ate slowly of course, to avoid his meal coming right back up. The soup was simple of course, but it still tasted nice. Lance was spoonfed by his boyfriends who took turns feeding their sick lover.

When he'd finished as much as he could stomach at the moment, he yawned. Lotor rubbed his head, allowing him to get comfortable. Lance rested his head on Keith's chest and Lotor wrapped his arms around the shorter male, wrapping his body around him. Lance drifted off to sleep with a smile.

Short fic but also v wholesome :)
I wanted to add some angst but.. I won't 😔 next time, perhaps 👁3👁

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