- Line Without a Hook.

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was listening to this song and realized it was them core.. so i had to write it 👁  alsoe sorry for being dead again whehhwhw i haven't had much motivation lately but I really feel like I need to write so sorry in advance if it's kinda sucky lol.


[Trigger Warning: Self-harm, Suicide attempt]

It felt like it'd been hours. Lance wasn't sure how long he'd been there, staring out into the constant night sky he'd grown accustomed to. The hallways were dark and dreary, silence causing a seemingly never ending static to play in Lance's ears. His eyes drooped, exhausted, physically and mentally. His argument with Keith replayed in his head, he could see it looking back at him through the stars.

He squeezed the hem of his shirt as he hauled himself up and towards his room. The twinkle of the stars had only worsened his headache, and although Lance felt an immense craving to cause as much physical damage to himself as he felt deserving, it wasn't the kind of pain he wanted. He sulked back to his room, stumbling to his bed and grabbing a small familiar object. He pressed onto the small button, watching as the blade slid out. He pulled his sleeve up carefully, staring at the now faded dark scars scattered across his forearm.

He shook his head, ignoring the feeling of disappointment in himself that lingered in the back of his mind. One quick slice and Lance almost shivered as the blood surfaced from the white beneath his skin. He pulled the flesh apart, admiring the jagged line and watching the crimson liquid in awe. In less than a minute the blood had dribbled down Lance's arm as he added another cut. Then another, and another. Before Lance knew it the cuff of his white sweater was soaking up more blood than he had realized, and when he'd realized he'd ran out of space the center of his wrist, free of cuts, became extremely apparent to him.

He clutched  his box cutter in his hand, shakily bringing it up to the base of his wrist. He took a sigh, knowing the familiar sensation of the fatal cut, before pressing it as hard as he could against his wrist. He let out a whimper as he dragged the blade down, and sighed with tears in his eyes when it was over. Upon opening his eyes, he was satisfied with the drastic amount of blood across his arm. He found himself wiping other clotting cuts down, irritating them, desperate for more and more blood, like an addict.

Lance was quickly aware of his wooziness, as he suddenly became acutely aware of the amount of blood leaving his body. His body was shaking and he felt as if he were being drained of his life force, which in a way, he was.

"Fuck." He whispered sharply. What would Keith think? Would he be mad? ..Would he even care?

He stumbled to the bathroom, frantically tossing things around as he searched for something to stop the bleeding with.


[wtf POV switch ????]

Keith lay in bed, staring at his ceiling melodramatically. He'd been laying there for ages, allowing the guilt to consume him rather than just going next door and apologizing. He hadn't even meant to snap at Lance, he didn't mean what he'd said. The exact opposite, really.

"This is exactly why no one fucking likes you!"

He grimaced at his words, rolling over as tears pricked his eyes. Why was he crying? He wasn't the victim, Lance was. Why was he putting himself right now, when Lance was the one in pain? He sat up on his bed, causing his head to spin momentarily as the blood rushed to his skull. He threw his feet over the edge and jogged quietly to the kitchen. He'd been keeping this weird alien food he'd gotten from a market, it tasted really good, so he'd bought another. Luckily no one had eaten it yet, so he decided a late night date would be an ideal apology.

He walked back to Lance's room, knocking gently on his door with furrowed brows.

"Lance?.." he was met with silence. But knowing his boyfriend well enough, he was likely still awake, and just ignoring the other. (which usually meant he didn't want to talk but still wanted attention.) he sighed, opening the metal door on his own. As the dim light from the hallway seeped into the room, Keith's brows furrowed in confusion as his eyes swept the area. Where the hell was Lance?

He walked in, placing his container on the bed as he looked around. The yellow light from the bathroom shone from beneath the door and the metal door behind him slid closed, leaving him in the dark. "Lance?" He called out. It was silent in return. He knocked on the door, a sudden feeling of dread making his stomach do flips. He reached for the door, opening in slowly. He nearly fell to the ground at the sight of his boyfriend, a pool of blood seeped from his arm, his hand loosely holding a half empty bottle of the alien substitute of painkillers, his half closed eyes rolled to the back of his head, and foam fizzling in the corner of his mouth. He ran up to him, his arms moving frantically as he thought of what to do.

"Lance? Lance baby, wake up." He pulled his head to the side, receiving a gurgle and a distressed eye flutter in response. "Fuck.. fuck! Okay, okay." He propped Lance's head to the side, reaching his fingers into the back of his throat until his body jolted. Keith was quick to turn his body to allow him to puke without immediately choking on it afterwards. He coughed and gagged and Keith directed him to the toilet as he emptied his system. He rubbed his back calmly as his lover cried between pukes with one hand, using the other to gently grab Lance's now mostly clotted arm. He grabbed a wet rag from the sink, bandages, and peroxide.

Lance watched as Keith grabbed his arm. His movements were so tender, so loving. He took his time cleaning each cut as to not irritate any other wounds, then held a dry towel to Lance's arm as he prepared his bandages. He tried to work quickly but efficiently, it was honestly a miracle that he'd woken up in the first place, even if he was extremely disoriented. He wrapped the bandage around Lance's arm hastily before lifting him up bridal style and making his way to the pods. By the time he arose Lance was sound asleep, and Keith laid on a nearby couch, falling asleep as well.



Later that day— or night, Lance had as much of a time concept just as anyone else up here— he stumbled out of the pod, falling to his knees with a grunt. A frantic shuffling was hear and Lance felt a mass drop next to him and drag him into their arms. He groaned but allowed the person to hold him, feeling comforted by their embrace. Their words seemed warped together, distant, but Lance's worries were short lived as the person picked him up and carried him to his room.

He kept his face in the crook of this persons neck as he was carried, noticing the familiar tail of jet black hair. He giggled and sighed before burying himself deeper. Keith's arms felt so welcoming, he'd forgotten why he was in the pod in the first place. He was laid down in his bed, and Keith helped him put on more comfortable clothes— a huge sweater and some breathable shorts. Lance watched as Keith crawled in the bed with him, reaching his arms out for the other. He was pulled into Keith's embrace yet again, breathing slowly as the other rubbed his back.

"Lance?" The other mumbled.

"Yes Mullet?" He smirked playfully.

Keith frowned. "Lance, I'm sorry about what I said to you. I shouldn't have— that— it was awful of me to say and I'm so sorry that you hurt yourself because of me. I'm sorry those words ever left my mouth. I love you so much and I only ever want to bring you joy." Lance looked up at the other through sleepy eyelids. His memory came rushing back to him, and he gave a tired, goofy smile.

"It's okay. Really. It wasn't your fault." He ran his fingers through his mullet, staring into his grey eyes. "I love you." He planted a kiss on the other's face. "I love you too." Keith sighed in relief.

sorry the end kinda sucks but im really tired and didn't know what else to write lol, also ngl forgot this was based off a song and started going off topic for a minute wheeze,, but anyways, i hope you're all doing well, happy new year, happy holidays, i love u all!! <3

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