Stubborn Blue Boy [🍁]

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Requested by; @Gianna17_7

Sorry, [TW; past self harm, implied past rape.]

I needed to drag out the chapter and I haven't actually written anything really angsty lately, it's mostly been fluff—
I hope you're all doing good though! Be safe, drink lots of water, and please please please take time to yourself to feel better if you're sad! Always remember you can message me if you need to!

Lance let out a huff, pulling his helmet off to release his sweaty, flushed face. His body shook, feeling ready to collapse as he took heavy breaths.

"Lance, are you ok?" Shiro spoke up, earning a wheeze from the boy. "Yeah, just— just a little hot is all." He huffed.

The elder white haired paladin placed a hand on Lance's forehead as he hissed. "Lance, you're burning up!" Shiro pulled his hand back, apparently attracting Keith over. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Lance is sick." Shiro states bluntly, sighing as he reached out to help Lance up.

"N-no I'm not!" Lance pushed Shiro's hand away quickly, sniffling as he pushed himself up. He nearly collapsed to the ground before Keith caught his boyfriend in concern. "Lance." Keith spoke sternly, yet soft. Lance sighed.

"Maybe.. I'm a little sick..." he mumbled.

Keith smiled, scooping Lance up in his arms and carrying him to his room. Shiro followed suit, opening doors and leading them to the bed.

Keith laid Lance down, the brunette half asleep in his arms. He reached up to peel Lance's long sleeved shirt off but the younger boy grabbed Keith's hands, his eyes now wide open. "W-what're you doing?" He whispered.

Keith was very much taken back by the fear in Lance's face, and so was Shiro.

"I was gonna change you into a T-shirt." Keith let go of Lance's shirt, Shiro gently ruffled Lance's hair.

Lance let out a shaky sigh, visibly relaxing. "R-right. Sorry." He mumbled. "I'd rather keep it on." Lance threw the blanket over him, quickly dosing off to sleep. Both males had been confused at their boyfriends actions, giving him a look of concern before cuddling up to him. Both laid a hand over Lance's waist, quietly watching TV as the brunette napped.

Lance walked down the street, the dim lights flickering. The rain poured down, and Lance was sure to get a cold afterwards. He chuckled softly to himself, as he was in his way home from Keith's house. Shiro insisted he stayed, but Lance said he had things to do at home anyways. Lance glanced at his watch.

12:00 am.

The accessory flashed. Lance continued walking down the mini-pub, still a little less than half a mile away from his home. His body tensed as he heard something down the alley way. He grabbed the flashlight Keith had insisted on him bringing, flashing it and spotting nothing but a hungry kitten. He sighed, his body relaxing.

As he turned around, he was faced with a tall, muscular man. His face was shadowed and Lance could make out nothing but a crooked smirk on the man's face. A hand covered his mouth as his was flipped around against a garbage can. "Don't scream, it'll make this easier for you." The man whispered into Lance's ear, his blue eyes widening in fear.

He thrashed about, only making the man chuckle and grip harder. "God, you're so cute."

Lance screamed as loud as he could, though it was muffled by the man's hand. Tears raced down his face as he was forced down against his will.

Lance jumped up in a cold sweat, his voice hoarse from screaming and his eyes leaking tears. He instantly curled up, in attempt to protect himself. He felt hands all over his body, and he felt nauseous. "Stop, stop! Get off of me!" He cried, not even noticing his boyfriends concerns as they attempted to comfort him.

Lance felt his head pulsating from his sobs. His vision filling with black as the world spun around him. The brunette slipped from consciousness, leaving his boyfriends in a frenzy.

Lance woke up at least half an hour later. Keith had Lance laying in his chest as he himself leaned into Shiro. It seemed as if Keith and Shiro hadn't noticed his awakening, but continued to ruffle Lance's hair.

"Morning mullet," Lance looked at Shiro, "Shirioes." He laughed weakly at his joke, tensing a bit as neither of his boyfriends did.

"Lance, you're awake." Keith pulled him up, giving Lance a soft kiss and sighing before allowing Lance to curl up in his lap.

Lance had no memory of anything after he admitted to being sick. He nodded, curling up in Keith's arms. He tensed slightly as Keith placed his hands on his hips, but relaxed as to not alert Keith.

"Lance, if something ever happened to you you'd tell us, right?" Shiro pulled Keith closer, gently playing with his mullet.

Lance paled slightly before smiling anxiously, "Of course... Why?" His smile faltered a bit and he let out a weak cough, sniffling as he leaned over Keith and layer across his and Shiro's legs. He looked up at Shiro with curiosity, wrapping his arms around his waist. He needed to ground himself.

"You were screaming in your sleep.." Keith whispered gently. "Did something happen?" His thumb caressed Lance's hip gently.

Lance furrowed his eyebrows, his memories of his dream crashing down like a wave. "O-oh..." He whispered. His body tensed as his face paled.

"I... Y-you remember that night when I walked home by myself..?" Lance sat up, his back towards the two elder males as they held hands anxiously. "Y-yeah..?" Keith answered quietly, his mind already rushing as his stomach flipped, same as Shiro's.

"When I was walking," Lance gulped, letting out a few wheezes before clutching his head. "T-there was a guy. He came up a-and h-he... H-he grab-grabbed me and—" Lance choked on his sob, clutching his stomach and clamping a hand over his mouth. "O-oh g-god—" He sobbed, feeling hands crawling up his thighs as he whimpered.

Shiro quickly pulled Lance into his arms as the boy broke into a coughing fit, ushering Keith to go make soup or bring some sort of medicine.

Lance stay cuddled up in Shiro's lap as Keith fed him soup. After calming Lance's panic attack, the boys had settled into their bed, watching Moana as Lance attempted to sing along between sips.

The boys cared for Lance, though he simply refused to take medicine. Usually, before the incident, Shiro would hold Lance and Keith would force Lance to take the medicine. They decided to just leave Lance with his soup and a wet rag on his forehead.

Lance dozed off to sleep as Shiro and Keith talked quietly. They had to find out who did this to their Lance.

Not that proud of this one but I'll make a less angsty ShKlance later bc yikes that was um.. yeah.
Sorry about that,,

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