Promise that you'll catch me.[🍁]

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this was inspired by this really good book I was reading,, i can't remember what it was but it was a Klancelot I think
I've been working on this for so long and i don't really know why
Why do I keep making the titles really edgy songs I'm??
i didn't edit this I really needed to post sorry

Alternative title: My prince.

Lance screamed as he was launched into space, grabbing onto his throat to halt his desperate gasps for air. His body floated aimlessly, farther and farther away from the ship. Tears slipped from his eyes as he begged for something to save him.

"Lance!" Keith cried out, his eyes wide as he quickly ran off for help. Lance felt his lungs begin to ache as the ship became smaller and smaller, before a sudden warmth engulfed him. A purple glow circled him as he gasped for air, coughing up blood as he regained his breath.

He wheezed, paying no attention to what had saved him until he was dropped to a hard surface, continuing to wheeze as blood dribbled down his chin. "Lance?" Lotor called curiously, looking down at the disheveled paladin catching his breath. Noticing the blood, he rushed to the boys aid.

Lotor sighed heavily, closing the door and leaving Lance to rest. After preforming the necessary procedures, Lotor had given Lance an old t-shirt and left him in his boxers, and left to clean his clothes. Lotor couldn't begin to fathom what had happened; and the injured paladin was no where near able to explain it. So for now, the nefarious prince could do only one thing; play the waiting game.


"Holy shit holy shit holy shit! What the hell Keith!?" Pidge screamed, their eyes filled with tears as they gripped their chestnut hair, taking quick ragged breaths as they panicked.

"By now he could be dead already!" The Samoan cried frightfully, his once optimistic mind now pessimistic. His eyes brimmed with tears as he hugged himself tightly, hoping; begging that Lance would be ok.

"D-Don't say that Hunk! I'm sure he's fine!" Allura retorted quickly, rubbing circles into his back to comfort the sobbing paladin.

"Fuck!" Keith's fist collided with the wall, his mind so clouded with anger that the pain of his now bleeding fist didn't register. He blinked away his tears, utterly pissed with himself and his actions. Why did he think that would've been funny? He should've known Lance didn't like it!

"Keith—" Shiro placed a hand on Keith's shoulder, gasping as it was slapped away and Keith stormed off to who knows where.


Lance groaned as he awoke, his chest feeling constricted as he breathed; each inhale as if someone had brought a flame to his lungs. He let out a whimper as he rolled over.

"You're alive." A voice called calmly, relief clear in their tone.

"Wh-where am I?" Lance wheezed out, his throat dry. He turned to his side to be face to face with Lotor, his eyes widening as he weakly pulled himself back. Lotor's eyes sunk. Sadness? No.. No, of course not. It was Lotor, what was there to be sad about? Lance was hurt, in pain. Is that not what the Altean wanted?

"I apologize Blue Paladin. I'm aware you and I aren't on the same page," He slowly reached to his pocket, his eyes locked on Lance's fearful ones. "But I'm only here to help you right now. I'll answer all of your questions gladly, I just want to make sure you're stable." Lotor's voice was nervous, yet compelling. Lance slowly brought his arm up to Lotor's cold Galran hands.

Taking Lance's arm in his hands, he frowned slightly before gently placing a small object into Lance's arm. The paladin flinched, "Ouch! What was that!?" Lance whined out. Lotor chuckled slightly. "It was a device that I can use to check up on your vitals. Make sure nothing important popped or anything like that."

Lance narrowed him eyes, "Oh yeah? I bet you're actually using it to nullify my organs and use them to grow some weird space plant!" He shuddered in fear. "What? That's— no. No. Why the Quiznak would I do that?" Lotor was baffled. What kind of monsters did the other Paladin's say he was?

"Hey! Watch it!" He squeaked as Lotor's cold Altean/ Galran hands brushed against Lance's warm tanned skin. "Stay still Blue Paladin. It will only be uncomfortable for a moment." He stated stoically. He huffed slightly as Lance continued to squirm beneath him as he went through with his procedure.

Prior to looking over Lance's results, he'd noticed something odd about him. Therefore he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

He cupped Lance's cheeks in his hand, caressing the corners of Lance's eyes. Lotor repressed a wide smile as Lance's face heated up at his touch, though he clearly tried to hide it.

"Hold on," Lotor mumbled. He pulled out a small vase filled with a mysterious liquid. He poured the liquid onto his hands and gently scrubbed over Lance's face once again. Taking a step back, his eyes widened in shock as Lance's cheeks began to glow, the small blue Altean symbols fading into existence on the paladin's tanned face.

Lance sat still, his ears popping out and twitching slightly. He brought his hands to his face, feeling over his cheeks and running his hands through his now white hair. "You're Altean." Lotor smiled in satisfaction, despite his inner conflict.

Why did Lance just keep getting more and more stunning?

Was stunning an understatement? He could go on and on about Lance's appearance. The way his smile brightens up the room or how each freckle is spread evenly. The way his curly, shiny hair bounces when he laughs. His ocean eyes boring into his when he's talking, and then wander around the room curiously. The way he unconsciously touches his mouth when he's talking or pulls down on his shirt every now and then.

When did Lotor have time to notice all of this you ask? Well, he may or may not have been watching the paladins. Though he swears it was originally for battle strategies— he just got a bit sidetracked by an adorable, hip swaying Cuban.

"...tor? Loooootor?" Lance questioned.

"Hm?" Lotor looked up with a stern yet empty face.

"You spaced out. But can you believe I'm Altean! That's so Quiznaking cool!" Lance practically squealed in joy before breaking out into a coughing fit. Lotor gently grabbed Lance to keep him steady. "Are you ok?" Lotor asked, gently rubbing Lance's back with a free hand as he helped sit him back down.

"Yeah. I'm fine, sorry." Lance stares at the ground, a slightly clenched fist to his chest as he caught his breath.

"No need to apologize dearest Blue Paladin. If you need something, I'm here to assist you." He grinned.

Lance chuckled slightly. "Thanks."

Lotor set Lance down, bowing. "Anytime, my prince." He chuckled.

Lance too chuckled, but couldn't ignore his red face.

My prince... He liked the sound of that.


Fkjdjdjskak ffreakin' finally done !!!! Sorry for not posting I'm just lazy and spend 90% of my time refreshing the same page on Instagram bc I'm epic like that 😎

I'll definitely have to write a part two, though this just seems like a knockoff version of Under Enemy Care, but a lot of people liked that anyways so oh well.

I'll try to work on continuations if I can bc they're LONG overdue & I need to stop making new stuff before finishing everything else so y e e t,,,, good spoopin kiddos

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