Savior? {Pt. 2} [🍁]

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[TW: self harm]

For anyone who's uncomfortable, this chapter slightly mentions Mpreg. Lance is transgender in the one-shot.

me: stop writing stuff while you're half asleep

me @ me: but how about i do it anyways B) that's when I write the big a n g s t

"Oh, Lance.." Keith whispered, pulling Lance into his arms. Lance whimpered, choking back a sob as he gagged, moving to puke again.

"Let's go get you some breakfast." Hunk smiled softly, picking Lance up and bringing him to the couch. Shiro wrapped a blanket around him as Lance laid across his and Keith's legs.

Keith ran a hand through Lance's fluffy curls in an attempt to calm him as Hunk cooked for them. He let out a few groans everyone and then, his emotions a rollercoaster as he watched the movie with the others.

Lance's eyes opened reluctantly, his hands coming up to rub his face as he woke himself. He seemed to have slept all day, as it was nighttime now. He sat up slowly, careful to not awaken the others as he got up.

He dragged himself up the stairs to the bathroom, stumbling groggily to the sink. He pulled out his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth for whatever reason.

He opened his eyes just in time to spot something move in the shadows within the mirrors reflection. He froze, his eyes widening as he quickly turned around and went to make his way to Keith.

A hand grabbed him, shoving his back against the sink as Lance hissed quietly. He was too afraid to open his eyes and face his attacker, because he already had a good idea of who the culprit was. His body shook in fear as he slowly opened his eyes. And there he stood.


Lance's memories rushed back as he shook violently. He shook his head, attempting to push Lotor away in a frenzy.

"Calm down Lance. I'm not here to hurt you." Lotor sighed, kicking the door shut and letting go of Lance slowly.

The smaller male quickly composed himself as best as he could, still shaking and backing away in fear.

"So." He stated blandly, glancing at Lance's stomach before crossing his arms.

Lance covered his stomach protectively. "It's mine, piss off." He growled.

"Yeah well you wouldn't have it without me, so it's partially mine too." He smirked. Lance backed up until he hit the wall, discomfort settling in his gut.

He wanted to speak up, but the fear coursed through him as Lotor walked closer. He pulled down a rag, causing a loud crash and sighed. Keith and Hunk were quite light sleepers, so it was any moment before at least one of the two came rushing upstairs.

Lotor's face turned into a scowl as he quickly climbed out the window, leaving Lance to cower in fear.  He slid to the floor, shaking and scratching at his arms until it ripped skin. Hunk busted open the door, Keith not far behind.

"Lance!" Hunk cried, running to Lance's side. He pried Lance's arms apart, causing the smaller boy to panic as his arms were pinned down. Hunk let go, simply allowing Lance space as he looked up at Keith. "Keith— go get Shiro, and bring the nail cutters." Keith nodded in response, quickly complying to his instructions.

The group had gotten Lance to calm down. Aside from his hyperventilating. Keith had cut Lance's nails to prevent him scratching himself again as Hunk went around making sure all the windows were locked and making plans for buying a home-security system while Shiro held and comforted Lance, doing small little activities to help keep him calm and distracted.

Lance had given them vague description of what had happened, really only mentioning his appearance. He followed Shiro's instructions as Keith sung to him softly. Oh, and he held a bucket. For uh, morning sickness and anxiety and all that.

The Cuban was still very much spooked, but tried to ignore it. He still couldn't fathom the fact that Lotor may have wanted to be a part of their child's life. He despised even saying 'their'. Of course he doesn't deserve to see the child, it was forced and unwanted. How did that asshole even find out?

"...ce? Lance!" Shiro tapped Lance's thigh, causing the boy to flinch. "You ok bud?" Shiro focused on Lance, making sure to keep his breathing steady.

Lance swallowed harshly, nodding his head slowly. "What were you thinking about?" He questioned carefully. "Lotor... He wants something to do with the baby?" Lance whispered, anxiously fiddling with her thumbs.

Hunk choked on his water, wiping his face in bewilderment. "Um, what?" He questioned.

"I think? He was just like 'so' and then pointed at the baby. I told him it was mine and he said 'well you wouldn't have it with out me," Lance mocked. Distress radiated off of his body as he hugged himself. Hunk pulled Lance into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly. He groaned softly, curling himself closer to Hunk.

"You know. I think you should let him in." Keith spoke calmly, his arms crossed and his face squished up in disgust.

"Wh-what?" Lance questioned, shaking slightly.

"Keith, are you serious—"

"No, of course I'm not fucking serious!" Keith hissed, slamming his hands down. "He's a fucking psychopath! He's disgusting! How dare he step foot in our house!" Keith snarled, his hair ruffled up and his eyes turning to slits.

"Keith, calm down. Your Yorak is showing." Lance giggled.

[IM THIS SHOT YORAK IS NICE AND HIS MAIN GOAL IS TO KEEP LANCE HAPPY ,, it's basically just like Keith being overprotective and overly caring of Lance. He also
l o v e s cuddles & head pats.]

Keith's face flushed. He cleared his throat and stood up straight. "A-anyways. Lotor shouldn't be in the child's life. Or anyone's life at that matter. Especially ours!" Keith snapped.

"U-um, speaking of the baby—" Lance held his stomach, leaning over into the bin and vomiting. "We need to set up an appointment to see how they're doing."

Hunk held his phone up, "got it."

Lance ran a hand over his stomach, wincing slightly at the small lump. He laid across the couch and groaned. Keith rubbed his stomach and Shiro ruffled his hair.

"I don't know if I can do this." Lance whimpered, his eyes flossing over as he held his stomach again.

"Of course you can." Shiro mumbled.

"We're here for you Lance." Keith laid his head next to Lance's stomach and smiled.

God, Lance loved these dorks.


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