Beach Babe

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the title is misleading haha


"Could you guys stop arguing for one minute! What are you even fighting about!?" Lance hissed, annoyed at the bickering boys on shore.

"Quiet Lance, it's none of your concern!" Lotor snapped, grimacing as the grains of sand and seaweed entangled themselves into his platinum hair. "Yea, go play with the water or something!" Keith hissed, adjusting his hat to avoid the sun tampering with his luxurious paste white complexion. (😩👌)

Lance's expression fell but he quickly turned back to a monotone one. "Fine then." He rolled his eyes, turning towards the ocean. "I'll go play in the water then!" He gave a forced, angry look before stomping off towards the ocean.

He placed his feet into the cool ocean water, taking a deep breath as he did so. He crossed his arms over his clothed chest. He turned towards the two elder boys who were still bickering.

"iT's NoNe Of YoUr CoNcErN lAnCe!1!1!" he mocked Lotor's voice in annoyance. "Stupid Lotor. Stupid Keith. Stupid long hair. Stupid mullet. Stupid— Stupid feelings!" He yelled at himself, confused at the tears that clouded his ocean blue eyes. He wasn't even worked up, so why was he crying? He wiped his eyes quickly, but the tears began to pour even more.

"W-what?" Lance hiccuped as he stumbled a bit, a wave rushing into him as he stumbled, a pair of arms quick to wrap around him. He gasped quietly. "Are you ok?" A deep voice asked, sending a shiver down the boy's spine.

"T-thank you," the man pushed him back to a standing position, stepping back into the sand with him, somehow he'd managed to grab Lance's hand as well. Lance's face flushed as he retracted his hand and intertwined both of his hands together.

"I'm fine though." He gave a sheepish smile to the man. "Are you sure? I'm not so sure people who are fine cry for no reason." He gave Lance a genuine look of concern, despite not even knowing the tan boy for 60 seconds.

"I-I'm fine, really! I should get back to my friends though... Thank you again..!" Lance gave a small smile ready to turn around but instead his arm was gently grabbed. "Those your friends?" He asked, pointing towards Keith and Lotor, still bickering.

Lance purses his lips in embarrassment and nodded sheepishly. "They seem to be fine with out you." The man spoke honestly, his brown curly hair sun kissed skin and chocolate eyes all glimmering against the yellow gleam of the mid-day sunlight. Lance's face flushed yet again as he sniffled.

"I guess... you're right." He sighed a bit. "Hey. Don't worry about it." The man firmly grabbed Lance's waist, pulling him into his chest. Lance was confused and tried to pull away as the man kissed him and a massive headache instantly washed over him.

"Let's go over the the rocks, hm?" The man grinned slyly as Lance obliged, following him towards the large rocks. As they arrived the man gently grabbed Lance, laying him on his back in the water and allowing the poor boy to submerge himself in the water. He offered assistance by pressing him down by his neck into the fairly shallow water.

"Hey!" Keith shouted as Lotor jumped up and punched the man in the back of his head, somehow managing to take his consciousness with one measly hit.

Keith grabbed Lance from out of the water, checking his pulse. Both boys sighed in relief as Keith felt a small pulse in the Cuban boy. He picked him up bridal style as Lotor led him to the car and laid him in the back with Keith, carefully driving home.

Lance's eyes fluttered open as he groaned, the headache still stirring. "Lance? Baby? are you ok?" Keith caressed his face. The car hit a small pothole as Keith's face crashed into a seat and he scowled as Lotor grinned mischievously.

"Nngh... M-my head hurts." He mumbled tiredly, bringing his hands up to clutch his head. Keith kissed his forehead gingerly. "It's ok. Well get you something to make you feel better my love." Lotor spoke calmly, ignoring the kick he felt from Keith.

big ówò

I'm actually writing again woAH

I'm trying to finish off old things I already started before making any new things wwiiahao

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