Step into the sun

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Lance gasped, stumbling out the healing pod for the third time this week. The closest living entity had shifted to the side, causing Lance to trip and land on all fours.

"Lance!" Keith called, a lingering tone of annoyance laced in his voice. "Miss me, Mullet?" Lance grinned as he rolled over, facing the downcast expressions of his team. "What's with the long faces?" The brunette spoke, using his pointer fingers to drag his lips down into a frown, imitating his fellow teammates.

"Lance, how do you manage to get injured almost every time we go on a mission, yet most of the time, no one else does?" Shiro crossed his arms across his chest calmly, not wanting to alarm the weakened boy.

"Yea, are you like, purposely throwing yourself into Galra?" Pidge inquired, worry, confusion, and a slight bit of annoyance in her voice.

Lance tensed. It's not that he was doing it on purpose, right?

"I'll be more careful next time" He whispered.

Before anyone else said anything, Lance stumbled off to his room. The rest of the team brushed his sudden change of emotion as hormonal mood swings, or something.


The rest of the team proceeded on to prepare dinner. They were letting Lance rest, the healing pod was a bit exhausting.

Shiro handed out the plates of goo, sitting down himself.

Everyone began tossing random concepts across the table. Pidge, about some type of cool computer she saw in another weird space mall. Hunk, about quesadillas. Allura about how great the team was doing. Coran, probably talking about his mustache. Shiro scolding Keith about how he should eat his food..

Suddenly the conversation went silent at the loud "clang" that sounded through the room.

Everyone turned to see Lance, his helmet with a dark screen over it, his arms waving around in front of him to avoid running into anything. (Even though he'd just ran face first into a wall.)

"Lance, why are you wearing your helmet?" Shiro questioned.

Lance's head snapped to the side, searching frantically for the direction of the voice. Hopefully, they weren't close enough to take his helmet off.

"I- My eyes were.. hurting. I had a headache." Lance straightened himself up in an attempt to show confidence. "This room is really bright." He reached his arm out for something to lean on, landing him on the floor, his helmet bouncing then sliding across the floor.

The lack of his helmet revealed Lance's bloodshot eyes. He curled up instantly to hide from the concerned gazes of his teammates. Which to him, more looked like angry glares.

"Lance? Were you.. Were you crying?" Keith spoke up.

Lance could feel the sour sting in his throat, holding back his tears. His squinted eyes going blurry from the tears brimming his ocean blue eyes.

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