- Wish I were Heather.

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I've just been writing song related stories lately I hope that's okay :') I'm also trying to change up my story types too because I feel like they're getting repetitive? Uhh anywho enjoy the story :>


Love is strange.

It's different for everyone, and everyone goes about it differently.

But Lance goes along with what he's told. And what he's told is what tears him apart every day- whether it's told by voice or by action, everything seems to sting a little more than the last time.

Every day he has to deal with him walking down the hallway with her, and every day it breaks his heart a little more. But every day he's told he's being selfish. That if he were truly in love he'd be happy that Keith is happy, and leave it at that. But he couldn't bring himself to do that. To lie like that. There wasn't a second that went by where he didn't yearn to be by the other's side. That he didn't pray to God's he didn't even believe in that it was him kissing Keith under the bleachers between classes. And no matter how much he tried, it wasn't going to change.

He closed his locker with a lot more force than necessary, turning to try and act like he'd been listening to what Pidge had been saying rather than just using his locker to hide the fact that he'd been watching Keith and Asra walk down the halls.

"..nce. Lance? Were you even listening to me?" Pidge sighed as they looked at the taller male. Looking down the hall they sighed at the sight. "Are you seriously watching them walk down the hallway together? I don't understand why you don't just tell him you like him."

"Why would I do that?" he answered quickly. "He seems happy with her, I can't ruin that." Lance looked down at his books in embarrassment, his mind wandering back to Keith. His jet black hair, his slightly tinted red cheeks. Oh, how he wished to be held in his arms, running his fingers through the silky mass. He shook his head to get rid of the thought.

"Lance, do you honestly thi—" Pidge was abruptly cut off by the obnoxious school bell. Lance took this opportunity to flee the premises, scattering off to his next class like an animal with their tail between their legs. His heart pounded and his hands shook slightly as he prepared for his early morning chemistry class. Luckily for him, he actually enjoyed this class. Unlucky for him, Keith and his lover also happened to be in this class. Uncomfortably close as well.

Lance of course had tried every way to avoid looking at the couple's stupid antics. The way their hands would interlock together, or the small giggles and kisses they'd give each other whilst the teacher had looked away. Every day his heart fell a little more.

I wish I were her...

He looked down, his face warming to a gentle red at the thought. Imagining Keith grabbing him by the waist, pressing him against the lockers, and kissing him oh so gently. He'd melt on the stop, only staying standing by Keith's toned arms. Lance bit down on his own, scribbling down the notes before the class ended.

The rest of Lance's day went the same as usual. Write down some notes, yearn (simp) over Keith, it was a very simple pattern he'd participated in for a painfully long time now. By the end of the day, Lance's limbs were noodles and he couldn't wait to walk home and just collapse on his bed. He slammed the unnecessary books in his locker and hoisted his book bag upon his shoulders.

"Hold on Lance!" A voice called the moment he turned to walk away. "Can I walk with you?" The voice asked gently. Lance knew that voice from anywhere. His stomach twisted as he turned to see Keith smiling back at him. "I-uh, yeah. Sure."

He cursed himself internally for stuttering, but still, he couldn't help the ghost of a smile tugging at his mouth. The walk was silent for a bit, but Lance didn't mind. He didn't think of it as awkward, he just thought of it as a calming walk. He was content.

"Ailya and I broke up today." That certainly took Lance by surprise. Enough so that he abruptly stopped to look back at Keith. His chest pounded in his ears. "Really? Why? I mean— if you wanna talk about it, that is." The two proceeded walking. Keith chuckled. "What's so funny?" Lance snapped back playfully. "Nothing, Nothing." He grinned.

"Well, we broke up just because... I didn't like her anymore. I don't think I ever really did." He looked up at the sky, clouds twisting into purples and pinks as the sun began to hide away already.

"What do you mean you never liked her?" Lance was stumped. Almost a year of dating and he didn't even have feelings for her? He couldn't be serious. "I mean... I'm gay, Lance." Keith stopped yet again, Lance's house just over the horizon. Lance's stomach lurched into his chest. "O-oh." He turned to look at Keith, who stared wistfully off into the distance. "Okay." He concluded, turning to begin walking yet again. His legs really ached.

"And there's a guy I have my eye on," Keith added swiftly. Man Lance was starting to think he ate something funky today. Could one stupid Mullet bearing man make him feel this way? Lance was silent aside from a hum until the two stopped at his doorstep. He fumbled with his key, fighting back tears. "And who is that?" He questioned.

Lance wasn't sure what had happened but in a second flat, he was pinned against his door. His arms held above his head and a chest pressed against his own. Keith's minty fresh breath hot on his lips made him swallowed hard. His grey eyes bore into Lance's bright baby blues as if examining them. His face held the slightest red tint as he started back at the taller male.

"You." His voice was quiet but Lance heard it perfectly. Before he could respond Keith closed the gap between them. Lance sighed into the kiss, gentle hot tears slipping from his eyes. His arms were released and he wrapped them around Keith's neck to further their kiss as Keith grabbed his waist. The two pulled away to breathe and Keith was suddenly aware of Lance's tears.

"L-Lance? I'm sorry did I go too far?" He pulled away and Lance was instantly saddened by the loss of contact. "No no! I just— I've been waiting for you to say that for.. so long. I can't believe it's true..." Lance giggled, falling into Keith's chest. The two stood at the front door simply holding one another until Keith slipped the keys from Lance and unlocked the door. He picked Lance up, holding the shorter boy by his thighs as he looked almost down at Keith. The two's lips made contact yet again as Keith managed to maneuver them both up to Lance's bedroom.

He plopped Lance down on the bed, hovering over him with a smile. He pressed his forehead against the other and just that simple action said so much more than words could. Keith rolled over Lance, pulling him into his arms as they both kicked off their shoes. They'd put on pajamas later, as they had both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms already.


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