Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner

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"You got it doll." He replies giving me a thumbs up.

"I think that's a great idea! It seems like dad has been working himself like crazy for the past few months and it's honestly been making me worry about him for a while now." I say looking to my father with a slightly saddened expression. He just looks down looking guilty.

"Well where we're going is guaranteed to make all of that pent up stress melt away." Mic cheers trying to lighten the mood, pointing at dad.

"I have my own ways of coping with stress." He lazily replies, already over any place Mic has in mind.

"By sleeping the day away wrapped in every blanket in the house?" I question. My face showing little to no emotion.

"Well I mean-" he tries to counter before I abruptly cut him off.

"-Or spending hours upon hours in the training room until you pass out on one of the mats?" I continue.

"Working out is not-

"-OR, falling asleep in the pool face down on a floatie with a snorkel on?" I ask, arms folded, staring into his soul.

"Ok now that just sounds depressing." Mic sweatdrops.

"I don't always do that." Dad says looking away, pouting.

"Really now?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"I don't! In fact, I actually planned on spending the rest of the afternoon in my pajamas, sipping coffee while grading papers and watching cat videos."

The room is filled with silence as my dad looks to both me and Uncle Mic, waiting for a response. I just stare at him with a blank uninterested face, choosing to let Uncle Mic take the reigns on this one.

"Well, I guess that's at least a little bit better." Mic looking to me for a response, shrugging.

I sigh, shaking my head before deciding to ignore my father.

"So where to?" I say turning my attention to Uncle Mic.

"Breakfast for dinner at Chie's, my treat." Mic says shooting finger guns at me.

"Say less." I say dropping everything and running toward my now startled father.

"Come on dad, hurry! You need to change out of your hero gear." I practically shout, attempting to pry him away from his seat.

"Not you too Tsu. Zashi, your poor influence has tainted my child." My father facepalms, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Hey the kid knows good food when she hears it. Now listen to the girl and go change." Mic says standing him up while pointing in the direction of his room.

This earns a heavy groan from my dad as he caves in, allowing me to pretty much drag him to his room at this point and close the door on him.

"Now don't come out until you've finished changing completely." I yell at him through the other side of the door.

"I swear, it's scary how much you sound just like your mother right now." I hear him say chucking to himself from inside his room.

I giggle, turning away from the door and heading toward the stairs.

"Be right back." I say, running past Mic to go upstairs to my room to change from my uniform.

I run into my room, going straight for my closet to find something simple yet casual to throw together. After rummaging through my clothes, I decide on a black Rolling Stones t-shirt tucked into blue jeans shorts with black Vans.

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