The Kidnapping

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Chapter 2

I woke up in the morning on a couch in a place I didn't know n it scared me. I looked around n started screaming. All of the sudden Roman n Dean n Seth came running in.

"What's wrong Patty?" Seth ask in a panic.

I ask scared " Where in the world am I? And how did I get here why am I here?"

Roman sat next to me and said in a calm voice " Your here at my cabin, because we want to help you and we are worried about you."

"So decided to kidnap me?" I said.

Roman started talking " I won't call it kidnapping,I would call it helping a friend over coming her problem that will kill and hurt her if she doesn't stop or slow down.."

I got angry " No Roman its called kidnapping".

Roman got angry," Well suck it up buttercup cause your stuck here for three weeks or until you quit your habit and back to the Patty we use to know."

I start to get angry more and more just looking at them. " You can't keep me here, and I refuse to stay here also."

They started laughing at me which started to piss me off even more so I walked away before I started throwing things at them.

Dean screaming "While ur in the kitchen how about you make something to eat"?

" Screw you Ambrose" I yelled back.

"Just name the time and place darling, oh wait we already did that." Dean laughing.

Screaming back at him " GEEZ IS THAT WHAT YOU CALLED IT, OH MY BAD I WAS DRUNK, SO IT DOESNT COUNT CAUSE HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU WERE ANY GOOD OR NOT? I screamed back sarcastically. I can tell he was getting mad.

It 2 am n everyone is asleep so I figure it's the perfect time to get out of here, but first I need get something for this damn headache so I went to my bag to get something and it was gone, what the hell. I dumped everything out of my bag nothing even out of my purse. They had no right to go thru my stuff, I went down stairs and went to the liquidor cabinet hoping to get a drink to calm my nerves until I leave here, but to my surprise there was nothing in it...also I even search everywhere nothing. I was getting pissed eveytime I kept looking and found nothing. Damn I can see they didn't trust me. I don't care I am leaving anyway, so long to my so called best friends. When I went to the back door it had padlock on it. What the hell, so I went to the front door and the same. What if there was a fire? Getting frustrated.

"Are we trying to go somewhere baby?" Dean asked.

I jumped cause I wasn't expecting him to be up. " What the hell are you doing trying to give me a heart attack Dean?"

Dean smirks " Nah, you will survive, was you trying to leave us huh?"

"If you must know yes I am, and you can't keep padlocks on these doors cause what if there is a fire how are we suppose to get out huh?" I asked annoyed. "

Patty just back to bed cause nothing like that is gonna happen and your safe." Dean said.

Looking at Dean pissed and angry. " I want to know who was in my stuff and took everything that was mine and where is all the liquidor around here? Can't I at least have a drink?"

Dean laughing and shaking his head. "Sure you can have a drink, there is water, juice, milk, tea in the fridge there ahaha."

"Your such a damn comedian Dean. Again I want to know who went thru my stuff and took everything out that was mine and no one had no right to go thru my stuff," I got angry.

Dean stood up " My best solution for you baby is to go back upstairs and sleep it off cause you don't have any liquid or or pills and your not leaving, so there is no sense in fighting cause you will make it a lot worst." "

Dean please I have a headache I need something for it so give me my medicine." I started to cry.

"I would be happy to give you aspirins." Dean said.

"I don't want aspirins I want my damn prescribed medicine that was giving to me damn it,now where are they Dean?" I got pissed n started throwing stuff and woke up Roman and Seth, and this time I didn't care.

"What the hell is going on down here?" Roman yelled.

"You wanna know huh,I will tell you. Who the hell went thru my stuff and took all my medicine and hid all the liquor and padlock all the doors? Do u know how dangerous that is to padlock the doors what if there is a fire huh?" I yelled.

Roman got in my face. "I did, because you don't need them and I would do it what are you gonna do about it? I know nothing but have a baby fit, and as to a fire well it won't happen cause we all have the key the doors."

I was more angry. " Don't you think I should have have the keys also?"

Roman answer " No cause you would leave so that is the end of that."

Dean started to laugh. "Just to let you know,there no need to search the cabin to look for your medicine or any liquidor cause we flushed it down the towel."

I went over to Dean and slapped him acrossed the face. "You had no right to do that, and neither did you Roman or Seth, I would never do that to any of you and you know it, and besides you guys are the ones who got me started on them anyways if you remembered. Dean you go me started on pills when you was in CZW for pain and all three of and got hooked alcohol, all of you are just as guilty as me,but yet your ragging on me." I yelled.

"Wait a min, I quit, and you never did cause you stay on them when you could have stop, and I am sick of you bring up that shit every time you get started fighting about this." Dean started yelling at me in my face. He stormed out of the room, and Seth followed him.

"Calm down Dean, she is just trying to get a rise out of you." Seth trying calm Dean down.

"Seth I am so sick of her always bringing that to my face when she get angry with me,I feel bad enough that I got her started but it's not my fault that she never quit". Dean said with his fist balling up, "Sometimes I feel like just slapping her across her face to knock some sense onto her, but then again I feel bad for even thinking about it, cause deep down I am still in love with her and scare to even admit it to her,but this shit has got to stop with her bringing the past up."

Seth feeling bad "I understand where your coming from Dean, but I never knew you felt that way about her, but I do understand about her bringing up the past, but why don't you tell her how you feel"? Seth said concerned.

In the living room. Roman is yelling " Why are you constantly on us about the past? Your the one who didn't stop...your the one refuse to get help but yet you still constantly on us so do us a favor and don't bring up the past and focus on the damn future and get better."

" Geez Roman feel better, cause I won't want you to hold in all the angry inside". I yelled back.

Roman yelled even more. "You want a screaming match well let's have one lil girl cause I can do this all night, and if you think you have a headache now just how much you will have when we are done ". Roman yelled even louder.

"You know what Roman your a prick you know that, give give me the damn key so I can leave and I will never have to see any of you again. I yelled


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