The blood started to flow in Steve's pale cheeks as his eyes tried to look at something that wasn't Tony's face."Oh..." he said. "I...remember that too."

"Yeah I hope wasn't an easy task." Tony smirked, not being able to hold himself from teasing the older guy, and make him extremely uncomfortable. Which he succeeded with as Steve was blushing and changing sitting position now and then.

They both went quiet again. None of them having anything insane to say on their mind.

"So..." Steve said this time. "You were really drunk last night."

Tony looked up. " You were too."

"No I wasn't." Steve quickly denied, only to realize that he had gone into a trap. "I-I mean of course I had no control of the situation. I had had a few drinks but-"

"-you wanted it." Tony interrupted.

"I'm sorry?" Steve asked like he didn't hear him.

"I was drunk yes. But I still remember a few things from last night." Tony explained rather impatiently. "And one of them was the "I want you" part."

Steve swallowed, knowing that he was very busted by now. "I- did I say that?"

"Cut the crap Rogers, I know you meant it. Alcohol makes you pretty much a truth-teller." Tony laughed, enjoying the fact that Steve still was denying everything. The way he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and played with a spoon that had been laying in front of him between his fingers was truly amusingly.

"Can I ask you something?" Tony suddenly asked.

Steve met his eyes a little hesitantly. "Is it personal?" He asked.

"A bit." Tony responded with a shrug of his shoulders.

The blond swallowed. "Okay?" He said quietly, removing his gaze from Tony's suspicious eyes that seemed to be watching him every second.

The black-haired guy seemed to think through his question before dropping the smirk and replacing it with a soft and interesting look. "What is going on with you?"

Steve wrinkled his forehead at the weird question. "Nothing." He answered with a dry voice.

"Really?" Tony asked sarcastically. Obviously not believing him as he rested his hands behind his head.

"Really." Steve responded, trying not to break his walls as his eyes met Tony's stubborn ones. Those brown orbs were watching him carefully while lightly chewing on his bottom lip. Steve felt how nervosity slightly started to grow when he realizes that he had no idea what Tony could be thinking right now.

This whole thing was a mess. He knew it very well, he had started it after all. But now, Tony knew. He knew that there was something going on with the blond. He saw how miserable and confused he was.

"I know we didn't start out know..besties the first day we met Rogers." Tony said quietly, he couldn't stand the deep silence that had been filling the air. "But it has surely developed a lot. And I know that there's something going on with you."

"Like what?" Steve asked annoyed.

Tony gave him an irritated look. "Like the fact that you obviously enjoy my company. That you...I don't boys." He said, raising the volume in his voice at the last words.

Steve didn't answer. He just sat there with his arms crossed and eyes fastened at the ground. His brain was working with speed as he tried to come up with a good comeback or deny. But there was nothing.

"I don't know what you-"

"Rogers for fucks sake you admitted it yesterday!" Tony snapped. Making Steve look up at him in surprise at the sudden outburst. "I asked you if you still think you're straight. You answered; no." Tony kept talking, now his volume back to what it used to be.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now