10 - Trial

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Srry for the wait, writing trials were harder than I expected lol. tysm for over 4k reads!



My hand hovers over my phone. I dial the number Chief gave me. As I finish I immediately recognize it's Dream's number. Dream and I sometimes worked together in a few cases, and it's been a few months since we last talked. I press the call button and I wait for him to answer. It rings for a few seconds and I hear someone pick up the phone.

"Hello? This is Dream."

"Hey, Dream. It's a6d."

Dream smiles, "a6d! How're you doing?

"Ah, doing ok, it's been awhile since we talked."

"Yeah, it has been. So, what's happening?"

I clear my throat, "There's been a murder, and Skeppy's going into court. He's being held in trial for murdering BadBoyHalo. You'll be his lawyer, right?"

Dream is silent on the phone, like he's processing what he just heard from me. He finally speaks. "Yeah. I can do that. I need the details about everything that happened."

"Alright. Basically, I interrogated him and found out that Skeppy was last seen with Bad at 9:52 pm at a restaurant called The Munchy Diner. When I asked some questions to Skeppy, I searched his room a bit and found a gun and bloodstains. The gun was scanned and it has Bad's fingerprints on the head, and Skeppy's fingerprints on the trigger." I explain, "Skeppy eventually confessed he was forced to kill him, and the people involved in the murder are named Liam and Aaron. They dragged Bad and Skeppy in a van and drove to a huge forest, with garages scattered around. He said one particular garage had our names on it, including our friends' names. There are no witnesses."

Dream stays silent as I finish. He speaks, "Okay. When should the trial be held?"

"Maybe a week from now, if that's enough time."

"That should work. I'll be sure to get everything and I'll contact Skeppy about it. Thanks, a6d."

"Yeah. See you later Dream."

I hang up and let go of my breath. Skeppy's really going into trial, huh... 


Everyone is gathered into a room. Pretty much everyone on the team is here. The officers, the search party, Dream, and Chief. I sit near Mason at a table. 

"Hey, a6d. Why do you think we were all gathered here for?" Mason asks me.

"You'll see," I respond.

 Chief clears his throat and everyone quiets downs. He begins to talk.

"The reason I've gathered you all here today is that we have decided to hold a court a week from now. Recently, Skeppy was accused of murdering BadBoyHalo but further into the investigation, Skeppy was forced to kill BadBoyHalo. The prosecutor, which will be a6d, will explain most of the evidence he got from Skeppy to the judge. Skeppy's lawyer is Dream."

The room mutters. Some are confused and some are understanding. One person raises his hand.

"What type of trial will it be?"

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