Author Chapter: Heartland.

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Blitzkrieg: I heard the Chinese are planning to Invade the Japs.

Polovskriv: Don't know. Maybe they will or don't.

Blitzkrieg: Anyway. Are there any weaknesses the Götterdämmerung and Valkrija have.

Polovskriv: Let me think... Ah! Yes! The armor of the Götterdämmerung and Valkrija are highly resistant to everything. However, due to them being very hard, they can't be easily screwed. Screws can't penetrate the THICC armor of the two Nazi UFOs. If we can make the screws rust then we can easily make the two UFOs fall apart.

Blitzkrieg: Why didn't you tell they Alliance about this?

Polovskriv: Due to us, scientists, being busy. The AMOD gas is still being mass produced but is now being used to strengthen our economy. The Japanese and Soviets bought many barrels numbering to the thousands.

Blitzkrieg: Great. Now we don't have a monopoly.

Polovskriv: We still own the only Gas Masks immune to the AMOD's rusting capabilities.

Blitzkrieg: Perfect. How's the prototype Gustav going?

Polovskriv: The Prototype Gustav is...*Reads papers*Still being tested. It almost has the power of the Prussia's Gustav. We can use this in combating the Sirens that don't follow the Empress. Those aliens are bugging me.

Blitzkrieg: Your not the only one.*Chuckles*Damn. Europe and America is on fire right now.

Polovskriv: According to the reports on our embassy in Prussia, the Sardinians won the Italian civil war. It's now Fascist again.

A Serp walks by, carrying wheat.

Blitzkrieg: Great. Europe's soft underbelly is awakened.

Polovskriv: Also, the British Royal government, aided by the Royal Navy and French, defeated the other factions. Britain is at peace again.

Blitzkrieg: So what happened to America?

Polovskriv: They don't f**king care if a UFO is going to destroy them. They are fighting each other and the Prussians were forced to aid them. The Union State fell as a communist assassinated Huey Long during an interview. New England, I don't know what they are doing, they are just vibing. The Pacific States were forced to join the United States cause the Prussians will declare war at the Japs if they don't leave American soil. Also Hirohito escaped to Prussia so that's it for Japan. The C.C.A is a giant tumor. The Soviets deny all involvement and God knows if they are telling the truth. Markwindle and Russka are with Black. They were tasked to teleport the Valkrija somewhere. The Götterdämmerung was being gangbaged from all sides but it's still alive and kicking.

Blitzkrieg: In the mean time, we rebuild under the Prussians. The Nazistans are still living in their Antarctic wasteland.

Polovskriv: Yeah. They dominate Antarctica. Anyway, I'll be checking on our new girl. See ya.

Blitzkrieg: Ok.

Polovskriv then heads to the newly built empty Federation Navy dorm. It was the place for the future generations of Federation War Zeppelins.

Polovskriv: A here is her room.*Opens door*

We can see a red haired girl under the blankets, sleeping. There were many equipments stabalizing her body.

Polovskriv: She's almost ready.*Stretches*My back.*Reads paper*FSMS-Koniggsreich, a Battle carrier Zeppelin. Hull number AZ-16. I hope you can understand.

Polovskriv then opens the closet and the Federation uniform was there, hanged.

Polovskriv: Let me put this right here.*Puts a paper on the breast pocket*There ya go.*Closes Closet*

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