"Here we are in the future and its....-"

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{Warning; if youre not a fan of the SU Gone Wrong AU and wont enjoy my attempt of writing gore/angsty stuff.....do whatever you want or just ignore this}

Its was a fairly quite day....

Well...up until the entire town felt the ground shake....the skies seems to darken as a hint of pink/magenta lingers....

You then saw the water element monsters and dragons evacuate into the Forest....
Why? There's nothing-


You saw dead fishes and even water element monster's floating....

The monsters mouth was foaming...their body.....it seems their skin was disintegrating....melting off of them

Maybe you should warn this to Baruss and everyone in town about this...

You should also warn the "Magic duo" about this, after all them and their dragons are the closest to shore.....

But, it all went down hill....really.....really....fast


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