some DV2 rp headcanons that wont be canon unless you want this to be canon

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Headcanon 1
SUF's timeline isnt canon in the DV2 rp (-if youre reading this and havent seen my DV2 rp book, i recommend you to look at it before reading this-) but there are parallels... after a timeskip to Elysium and Metal Tower

Headcanon 2
Shoutmon makes a anger mangement/mental support class or meet up every Sunday on midnight
One of the things being unleashing anger by screaming...
In conclusion Steven's voice is louder than Shoutmon himself....and giving everyone heart attacks

Headcanon 3
Water element dragons (-that arent ice based-) can change their water/body temparature at their own will

Fire element dragons can extenquish and reignite their flames if the fire is on their body (-for example the Fire Dragon, like Lewis-)

Headcanon 4
The reason Steven hasnt gone insane yet is because of his dragon, Cloud
(-this isnt that important, but i was so tempted to type this-)

Headcanon 5
Since SUF isnt canon....
Yutakan is insane
So honeslty people doesnt give a shit about the backpack at all-
Soo....confidently, The Hero Of The Stars (-Steven's title, its fanmade-) wears it soo he could alot carry things he finds in his adventures with his dragon(s)

(-thats all! For now...-)

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