Kids Appli-Driver AU (HC's and first meeting{?})

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or what i like to call, "Leviathan-likes-to-cause-ptsd-even-to-seven-year-olds" AU

Gatchmon and Haru
It somewhat happened just like canon- not much- which is a bummer-
Oh and also Haru's parents found out, thankfully they took it smoothly due to his dad knowing about this whole Appmon stuff but not mentioning it-


° Gatchmon is definitely sleep deprived,  due to the school projects not his little Buddy, he's no gremlin-

° yes the Appmons go to school, look at ED 3 ↓

Well....i just think they do based on this-

° Haru has a wide vocabulary, due to reading most of the time. But sometimes he accidentally mixes things up just because he forgot what word means what

° besides searching, Gatchmon is skilled in making plushies! Everyone at school approves

° Haru is really shy, but tries his best to make friends with people especially Rei

° you could catch Gatchmon being half asleep in class, though most of the time nobody notices

° both of them would sometimes nag at eachother for staying up late (-in different times to be precise-)

° no matter what Universe they may be in, Gatchmon and Navimon will always argue......well.... sometimes....they wouldn't dare argue infront of Haru due to the chance of making him sad/upset and how thats bad for his mental state (-probably- -)

° Gatchmon is much more toned down than his canon counterpart- seriously- i dont want Haru to get even more trauma immediately after fighting Messemon due to Canon!Gatchmon's recklessness

° Gatchmon is one inch taller than Dokamon, though sometimes its easy to mistake they are both same in height

Dokamon and Eri
It goes a little more different than canon-
So Eri found her Appli-Driver in her room, she assumed it was a toy from her mom since she's barely home...she ignores it and went to play the action game app that eventually became her Buddy Appmon
But he wasnt Appreallized until they met Haru and Gatchmon
Her mom didn't find out about Dokamon and the Appmons


° Eri is energetic and also shy, idk how that works though- i mean pre Appli-Driver Eri looks like a shy person but eventually turns extroverted in canon-

° Dokamon is probably even more sleep deprived than Gatchmon due to school and also keeping Eri's energy in check

° he occasionally gets caught sleeping in class no matter how much of an attempt he did to stay awake

° Eri wont hesitate to beat up whoever bullies somebody, even if she gets hurt herself. Dokamon encourages this but wants her to tell him before doing so.... and also trying to talk it out instead of fighting

° Dokamon knows how lonely Eri is because her mom isnt always home, and wants to cheer her up in any way he could while in chip form. In the end it did a good job

° post - meeting Haru and Gatchmon, Eri keeps Dokamon Appreallized at all times. Dokamon appreciates it since he could now cheer his Buddy up without limitations of being a hologram and a chip

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